5 - Mr. Kim?!

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Taehyung was staring at his watch his eyes wide waiting the last 5 minutes for his lunch break. He needed to get the fuck out of this office. He was the CEO of Kim Inc. and he was for sure over the daily routine of waking up at 8:00 am waiting in boring meetings and drinking the same bitter coffee.

Today however was especially unbearable, no not because it was a Monday but mainly because The events of two nights ago kept playing through his head. Jimin's sudden bold makeover and his and Jeongukk's new friendship. Although him and Jeongukk did text from time to time things didn't seem as awkward as he thought it would be. He felt like he was talking to an old friend. Obviously not as close as when they initially were together,
but for sure better than before.

Jimin was another story however. He didn't seem to see the smaller male after that meetup and he can't help but wonder what he was up to. If he was being entirely honest maybe being back in contact with both of them wasn't the best thing to do however a small part of him so desperately wanted to hold onto their complicated yet sincere relationship.

Taehyung was suddenly snapped out of his daze when the door barged open. His secretary who by looking at her name tag was named Yuna; not that it mattered since he fired one almost every week with his hot temper; rushed in with a Manila folder in her hand.

She bowed and spoke up in a monotone voice "Mr. Kim you are expected to conduct an interview for a new lawyer. He has a very impressive resume in this folder"

Taehyung sighed to this as he saw the paper be placed on his brown wooden desk. "Ask Namjoon to do it I have other paperwork to take care of" Taehyung says annoyedly.

""Yes sir, however this lawyer is very notorious and specifically requested you conduct his interview." Yuna quickly replies.

Taehyung rolls his eyes. There goes his lunch break. He shoos her off with a quick hand movement as he gets up himself to refill his coffee for this interview.

He gets up and opens the door pacing himself quickly to the coffee machine. He refills his coffee cup muttering to himself complaints and how much he wanted to go home and sleep in his comfortable bed.

Just as he was complaining to himself he turned around not seeing a shorter male. He bumps into him dropping the coffee onto the floor.

"Seriously! Watch where the fuck your going don't you see I have a interview and-" the shorter male with silver hair abruptly stops his ranting and gathering his papers on the ground when he realized who he was looking up at.

Before Taehyung could retort back he realized that face was all too familiar. Park fucking Jimin. Taehyung felt he was dreaming because if he wasn't he genuinely thinks he would jump out a window by now.

It seems like time paused for the both of them as they looked at eachother shocked. Before anymore words could be said Jimin accusingly points at the male inching closer until Taehyung's back hits the coffee machine.

"Oh! So your stalking me now! Following me to an interview is that it? Leave me the fuck alone did I not say that before or did I not make it clear enough?!" Jimin yells loud enough to gather the attention of the other workers as he goes off on Taehyung.

Taehyung scoffs eyes suddenly turning dark. "I'm the CEO here Jimin. Is that how you wanna talk to the person conducting the interview" he says fighting back a smirk to Jimin's reaction.

The shorter male suddenly backs away eyes wide clearly taken aback by the taller's blunt words. His state was almost laughable. His cheeks were dusted a light shade of pink from the embarrassment he caused himself. He quickly stands up straight dusting off his suit while clearing his throat. "O-oh you are Mr.Kim? Pardon me for spilling your coffee I'll wait at the meeting room." He says quickly almost in a ramble as he rushes to the office door before any further words could exchanged.

Taehyung waves over as a janitor starts cleaning up the mess. Although the mess was cleaned up another one was just created and boy does Taehyung wish he could have someone else clean this one him too.

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