14 - Save Jimin

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Jeongukk was Running as fast as his legs could take him. Why did he care so much? He wasn't sure, but Taehyung had told Jeongukk about Taemin before and it really had bothered him. He would pause in front of the neighborhood panting with his hands on his knees. There wasn't time to rest this Taemin guy would escape far to easily.

Before Jeongukk could start sprinting again a white car pulled up next to him. Jeongukk was met by familiar brown orbs as he turned around. Thank the lords Taehyung showed up with his fancy and hopefully fast car.

Taehyung quickly reached to open to passenger side clearly stressed out about getting there in time. As Jeongukk rushes in and takes a seat Taehyung scolds him clearly worried.

"Are you crazy?! You need to save your energy to actually help Jimin" Taehyung says switching the gears to start driving. The minute the car moved Taehyung was speeding to the address

Jeongukk would have been worried about the pace, but Jimin's life was on the line. Jeongukk sarcastically rolled his eyes at the elder's concern. Stamina wasn't a huge issue since Jeongukk was well trained and Taehyung was just worried but he deemed it unnecessary.

"Okay, care to explain what the fuck is going on" Taehyung says still keeping his constant speed.

Jeongukk panting replies "I was on a dispatch call and I suppose Jimin called because the other line was pleading Taemin to stop until it went silent"

"Was he responsive?" Taehyung hurriedly asked parking in front of a familiar residence.

As Jeongukk unclipped his seatbelt he shook his head.

"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker" Taehyung says as he and Jeongukk rushed to the front door of the house.

"The door is locked!" Taehyung adds trying to open the door.

"No shit Sherlock-" Jeongukk replies as he fiddles through his supplies trying to find something to open the door with.

Legally Jeongukk wasn't supposed to be on the scene yet without any other police units in case the criminal was armed and such, but Jeongukk didn't care.

Just as he got the doors opened he put his arm in front of Taehyung. "Stay here. You can't get hurt either I'm liable for that" he says nonchalantly.

"I'm not standing here while both you and Jimin are in possible danger." Taehyung quickly retorted growing frustrated inching closer to Jeongukk and the door.

"No. I won't let you come in Taehyung this is more dangerous than you think" Jeongukk says trying to stay nonchalant despite his heart racing by the close proximity.

"Kook...Let me in." Taehyung says looking into Jeongukk's eyes.

Jeongukk wouldn't lose an argument so easy but time was ticking and the longer they stood there the worse for Jimin. He sighed rolling his eyes adding "Stay behind me at ALL times I mean it Taehyung."

The older hums in satisfaction as they both walk through the door. The house was dark and as Jeongukk searched for the light switch Taehyung already began his search for Jimin.

Just as he turned the lights on they immediately spot a tiny blonde male passed out on the floor with blood pooling out of his head.

"JIMIN!" Taehyung yells rushing to him.

Taehyung's eyes begin to pool with tears as Jeongukk burned with rage trying to keep it contained not to freak out Taehyung. "Okay, Tae check his pulse it dosent seem to be a critical injury but I need you to verify and wait for paramedics as I search the house for this bitch"

Taehyung's hands were shaking, but this was no time to be stressed the best way to handle this was calmy. He raised Jimin's wrist pressing his index and middle finger on it breathing a sigh of relief when feeling a pulse. "He's breathing stably!" Taehyung yells to Jeongukk who was thoroughly searching the kitchen.

"Good, I knew he was a fighter. I know your scared Taehyung, but we need to wait for paramedics as I search the house thing you can hold on?" Jeongukk says full cop mode having been activated.

Taehyung shakily nods his head as tears drop from his eyelid at the state of the older man in his arms. Even though they had broken up and paused contact, Jimin was his best friend since childhood and seeing him like this pulled certain heart strings.

"It's okay...I promise everything will be okay Jimin just hold on." Taehyung slowly says tracing his thumb along Jimin's face.

His beautiful face looked so peaceful at rest despite the events of today. Taehyung wanted to hug him and reassure he was alright, but he couldn't they broke up and he needed to be mindful of Jimin's personal space.

He knew Jeongukk was worried and wanted Jimin in his arms, however he needed to act rationally so nobody got hurt.

Just as Jeongukk walked out the last room paramedics and fellow cops walk in. "House is clear." Jeongukk says in an authoritive tone towards Yugyeom.

The paramedics inch closer to Taehyung ready to take Jimin, yet Taehyung didn't want to loose that warmth. He cried like a little baby; sure it was embarrassing as they pried Jimin out of his hands, but a specific bond made Taehyung resist the paramedics efforts.

Taehyung was bawling and clearly not in a right mind space after witnessing this scene. A warm hand touches his shoulder and drags him away from Jimin. Taehyung tries to fight the grip as the man's comforting words flooded his ears.

Taehyung couldn't breath he was panicking. This seemed all too familiar to him. The dangerous situations followed by sweet words. Taehyung was thrashing in the man who he couldn't recognize hands as he was crying non stop.

"NO! P-please l-let m-m-me stay w-with him P-PLEASE!" Taehyung screeches.

As Sweet nothing we're whispered in his ear Taehyung began to grow tired of thrashing and instead leaned into the man's warmth.

"It's okay Tae...I'm here I won't let anything happen to Jimin" Jungkook murmurs hugging the tall male with blonde hair in the floor. He had his hand wrapped around Taehyung's waist and his other hand traces through his hair.

The scene was focused on Taehyung's tantrum he had just thrown and Jeongukk needed to calm the male down. Taehyung had had panic attacks before and only he and Jimin could help him.

"Breathe slowly...look your doing it just right" Jeongukk says sweetly.

At this point Taehyung's irregular breathing had begun to slow and he realized his surroundings around him. The police had evacuated outside by Yugyeom's command to give them privacy and now having to look for Taemin anyway, as the paramedics had carried Jimin away in his stretcher.

"You think you can stand up?" Jeongukk asks the male cautiously and slowly. Jeongukk was extremely worried about both boys. Taehyung's strong figure had clearly crumbled so quickly seeing Jimin's state, as Jimin clearly unconscious needed both of their support. Jeongukk was extremely stressed, they had to find Taemin as well.

Taehyung slowly gets to his feet. "I-I'm sorry I just- I'm not sure what came over me that hasn't happened in years." Taehyung also had scooted away from Jeongukk realizing the position they had just been in.

"Think you are okay enough for us to go see Jimin right now?" Jeongukk asks still in a soft voice as if Taehyung could break from the slightest noise.

Taehyung nodded, but he felt a spark. One he hasn't felt in years. The way Jeongukk had spoke to him reminded him of all the past memories they had. Memories he was adamant on preserving.

He wanted his boys back.



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