20 - Masks On

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Okay so I wanted to clarify this is gonna be a more important chapter. It's not gonna be your cute classic vminkook romantic date. It's a little darker because I really want to shed light on the fact their relationship is not in fact a healthy or cute one. Even if it's Vminkook endgame it doesn't mean it's a happy ending.

Even though they may have changed they truly damaged each other. Badly. If you haven't noticed I didn't go into much detailed fluff between them, or the hospital scenes much. I did this so that you guys wouldn't form a strong dependency on their relationship since that was never the point.

This chapter will be a date, however a turning point as well. Due to that I'm going to try my best to get as many perspectives as possible. If you have any questions or noticed any plot gaps please don't hesitate to comment!

With that let's get into this chapter


Jimin was bouncing around his room nervously as he scanned through his outfits. They were going to the ruby club. There were no doubt a shit ton of memories between the three of them there.

He definitely could not wait to see how this night would unfold. Lately the sparks between them have become noticeable. He didn't want to buy into the fact that things could get toxic later on. He would rather not dwell in the past and move on.

Jimin settled for the denim jacket as well as matching denim pants littered in rhinestones. It was simple yet, shiny and eye catching. (Like crazy denim outfit) He brushed his silver hair into a middle part neatly while putting in sparkly earrings.

He applied some eyeliner as well as alluring gems under his eyes. So he knew he was pretty, definitely looked pretty, and sure as hell felt pretty.

Jimin never got drunk fast, ever. The last thing he was would be a lightweight. He definitely knew how to handle his alcohol. Wine on the other hand, got him drunk fairly quickly. It was an odd concept, but Park Jimin wasn't just anyone.

Oh yeah, did he mention it was a masquerade party?

Gosh, this was gonna be so fucking cool. Nobody would know who was who. They were supposed to dance and loosen up in the sensual heat of the club. What was more sensual than masks?

Jimin grabbed a silverish masque adorned with rhinestones. It perfect matched his outfit totally bling. He looked at the pretty winged shape of the mask definitely made for somebody like Jimin.

Taehyung and Jeongukk would have no trouble telling it was him for sure, simply by the way the mask basically screamed Jimin.

It highlighted his cat-eyes and perfectly winged eyeliner. He looked like a seductive cat almost. Jimin offered himself a sly smile in the mirror.

Tonight was definitely going to be good. He told himself as he exited his apartment.


Taehyung took a deep inhale looking at his appearance. He definitely looked like a Kim tonight. He had his blonde hair messy in such an effortless way it looked good He looked so professional yet casual at the same time somehow.

His outfit consisted of a plain silky black dress shirt which could possibly be oversized on him being rolled a little over his wrist. He followed it up with clad black jeans hugging his long legs. There was one single thing that made the outfit utterly mesmerizing however, it was the harness that hugged his upper body. He wore a white harness circling his neck perfectly as it's designed followed down his chest circling it in multiple loops as the remaining pieces hung down. It was beyond sexy, it was alluring, perhaps even whimsical. It was something about the way it fit on Taehyung himself that could catch the attention of anyone. (Taehyung fake love outfit with white harness)

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