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It wasn't the ticking of his phone's alarm or the pacing he was doing around his room that was bothering Jeongukk at the current moment. Despite those details being an added factor the invite he sent Taehyung had been looming over his head.

Taehyung had told him about his interaction with Jimin and how he had no definitive reply. Jeongukk had been in contact with Jimin but not nearly as much as Taehyung since the other was a lot more withdrawn. He knew erasing the past wasn't just simple and decided to have them all talk over coffee about things they never communicated.

He knew he couldn't get both of them in a room easily so each thought they were hanging out with Jeongukk seperately. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared shitless at the moment. He had no clue what was gonna happen or what they were gonna talk about.

The phone alarm suddenly rang and Jeongukk knew it was time. He had had his slightly over grown hair messily combed in a mullet yet still in a stylish way. He paired it with a black t-shirt and checkered flannel on top. He sported blue baggy jeans and it perfectly matched with his black combat boots. He looked at himself in his bathroom mirror and acknowledged how much he had changed. He went from a scrawny awkward kid to a popular yet still awkward kid to this adult self of his and striking persona.

Jeongukk's smile faltered as he realized what he actually got himself into. He breathed in then rushed out of his apartment locking it before any second thoughts caused him to chicken out. He pulled his car keys out of his pocket and opened his black shiny BMW. He put the address in on his phone and began to drive to the address.

He lingered a little at stoplights unsure of how everything was gonna turn out. It can turn out amazing and everyone is friends again with rainbows and cupcakes. Jeongukk wasn't exactly that sure about that though because it could also end with them distancing themselves further ap apart. As he stopped in front of the coffee shop he groaned in frustration.

Why didn't they just end their relationship peacefully. He kind of chuckled to himself realizing how stupid he sounded. He took a deep breath looked at himself in the rear view mirror and opened the door. He checked his phone to see a message from Taehyung that he was already there. Despite them being in a relationship once Jeongukk would be lying if he said he still didn't feel butterflies around him. Taehyung had this assured yet loud aura around him that always contrasted Jeongukk's quiet and reserved one. Usually Jimin would be the one to balance them out being both extroverted yet knew how to listen and liked his alone time.

As he pushed open the doors of the familiar coffee shop a nostalgic smell hit his nose. This was the coffee shop they used to come by after school together. He wasn't sure if it was smart bringing back those old memories but it was worth a try. He scanned it to see it halfway empty but with a expensive looking man in a turtle neck and dress pants sitting in the corner. Taehyung was wearing his round glasses he rarely wore while sitting cross legged on his phone.

Jeongukk's knees nearly buckled from how stylish the elder looked. Before he finished gawking at the man he looked up from his phone and flashed Jeongukk a boxy smile. Jeongukk cleared up his throat and awkwardly smiled during across from him.

"Hey Kook! What's been going on lately?" Taehyung said in a deep warm voice.

Jeongukk smiled in return and said "nothing much, just my usual cases at the police station n stuff. You probably know things get hectic fast solving cases."

Taehyung chuckled lightly and said "I already ordered you a plain banana milk that I remember you loved!"

Jeongukk would probably be jumping in joy if he wasn't so distracted being nervous. He was genuinely rethinking his life descisions whether inviting Jimin behind Tae's back was really a good idea.

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