15 - It was my fault

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Pain was all Jimin could feel shooting through his head. As he slowly opened his eyes a familiar smell filled his nostrils.

A hospital?

Gosh, so much trauma tied to this place alone. Jimin looked as an IV was connected to his arm. What had happened to him?

A bandage was wrapped on his head as a blanket warmed his frail body from the cold. It was quite fast the way all his thoughts came together at once.

All he could remember was Taemin brutally hurting and beating him up. He instinctively shuttered and scanned his surroundings for the tall man at no avail.

Despite him supposed to be happy that Taemin wasn't present a wave of loneliness hit him. Nobody was in the hospital room with him, but he still had so many questions.

Jimin fluttered his eyes to the pain in his head. Aside from the pain in his head he felt like his chest was pained. Perhaps a broken rib? He wasn't sure.

He needed something to subdue the pain and now. Almost on que the door bursts open.

A nurse who seemingly heard the monitor accelerated was immediately by his side.

"W-what?" Jimin asked as it was the only thing that came to his head.

"You came here with a gash to your head. Luckily no brain trauma, however you do have two broken ribs and it may compromise your already present health condition." The nurse says matter of factly as she checks the IV.

"Do you know how I-?" Jimin asks pointing to himself.

"I'd better let officer Jeongukk answer that as well as an extra guest." She said matter of factly.

Jimins heart genuinely dropped at the mention of a familiar name. He wasn't sure if it was from the constant prodding or the figure who walked in the room. A tall man seemingly in police officer gear walked in worriedly, but he was clearly trying to hide the worry. He could recognize this handsome as Jeon Jeongukk anywhere.

His heart monitor started to speed up the minute behind him another tall pretty blonde male walked in. He was in worse condition clearly stressed over something. Could it be over him? THE Kim Taehyung worried about him?

What the actual hell was going on?

The nurse quirked an eyebrow at them to the sudden change in my heart monitor.

"He is just a little shocked to see us. Sorry, could you excuse yourself for the interrogation?" Jeongukk said politely with a small smile.

The nurse offers a small bow as she scurries out.

Jimin was truly too stunned to speak.

Only one thing came out of his mouth however, "what the hell is going on?" Jimin says in clear confusion.

"Jimin, are you okay? What hurts? Please tell me if you need something? Is your breathing okay? Did she tell you about your ribs?!" Taehyung instantly bombarded rushing closer to the hospital bed in his disheveled state.

"Taehyung, I think it's better if we not.." Jeongukk says sensing Jimin's discomfort with the present situation.

As Taehyung backed away Jimin sat up clearing his throat.

"I'm not even gonna sugar coat anything, why are you both even here?" Jimin says bluntly.

Jeongukk replies to this rapidly "well, you called the police and we found you, Taehyung is here because he is the one who told me about Taemin."

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