12 - Catch up

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Jimin was walking up the doorsteps of a familiar mansion nose tinted red and hands freezing cold yet warmed by his pocket. He was visiting his brother Jaehyun today for a quick talk. It had been a while and he only head about him from Karina and Ryujin.

Jimin and his brother had a rocky relationship. Growing up they fought more than average siblings would. Since Karina would spend a lot of time with Ryujin that left Jimin and Jaehyun. Despite Karina being the eldest Jaehyun felt some sort of obligation to protect all of them coupled with Karina's motherly instincts. Usually Jimin and Ryujin would be the ones getting into stupid shit with Jaehyun and Karina saving their asses.

Jimin was pretty naive when he was in highschool and could not see the red flags of being with Jeongukk and Taehyung. Due to this Jaehyun was very protective of him and hard on him. Both of his then boyfriends had convinced him that his brother was just delusional and controlling, therefore breaking their close bond. When the break up had occurred Jimin ran to Jaehyun's house and broke down in tears before his brother.

Jaehyun hugged him and comforted him rather than scolding him and saying he was right. That day Jimin felt a newfound respect for Jaehyun and would always seek comfort from him.

Today he wanted to update Jaehyun a little on his life. It had been 4 months since he met with Jeongukk and Taehyung. Things had for sure gotten better. Although they don't text each other all the time and they were more acquaintances than friends they had all felt a lot more better than when they initially met up. Surpringly at the lawfirm Taehyung had left Jimin alone and let him do his own thing now.

Jimins red tinted knuckles rung the doorbell. He was met by a tall man who wore a gray tracksuit coupled with his light brown hair and middle part. "Hey chim!" He greeted happily. Despite having a intimidating resting face be was extremely kind to his loved ones.

Jimin giggles letting go of the colder persona rushing into his brothers arms offering him a smile that caused his eyes to dissapear.

"It's been soo long I have so much to tell you" Jimin says excitedly coming out of the hug with his hands clasped together.

Jaehyun was extremely happy to see Jimin happy. After the breakup he became a cold and distant person, but now all he could see was the old sweet and giggly Jimin which indeed made his heart flutter a little.

"Well it's freezing out here come on min" he says motioning his hand for Jimin to follow.

The aroma of mint tea hits Jimin's nostrils and he hums to the delightful smell. "Mm! Your making mint tea?!"

Jaehyun chuckled to this sitting on the love seat in his gigantic living room. Everything was ravishly furnished yet extremely cozy. His interior design skills were impeccable no doubt. Jimin's family was extremely rich and definitely a power household which is what guaranteed his relationship with Taemin. Jimin was always worried he would be looked at as just a pretty face as all his siblings had something special. The eldest Karina was a doctor and a trained well known surgeon who had a extremely high success rate for surgery. Jaehyun was a popular architect and made a ton of money for his interior design. Ryujin worked as a head lieutenant police officer in the same district as Jeongukk however the two avoided each other at all costs. Jimin the youngest was a lawyer who would usually go from lawfirm to lawfirm to get access to different cases as everyone wanted him to represent them.

Jimin sits cross cross apple sauce next to Jaehyun on the loveseat happily. "So, how's Yuna? I'm so excited that you and my favorite noona are finally engaged!"

Jaehyun softly smiles "everything is perfect! We are planning to have the wedding next year of course with you as my best man"

Jimin replies with a slight smirk "I guess you didn't even need to ask since you knew I would say yes"

Jaehyun closes his eyes and smiles at this and then says "how about you? Everything good at the lawfirm? I head you were taking up a case with Jennie and Kai"

Jimin got to take on a domestic abuse case with an extremely popular lawyer Min Yoongi. This case was huge as Jennie was a popular idol in a relationship with Kai another idol. Jennie had reached out to Taehyung's lawfirm informing that she would be suing Kai for domestic abuse. Originally Jimin jumped at the opportunity to take the case but Taehyung was unsure about giving it to him knowing Jimin's past history with domestic abuse and possibly ongoing situation. Due to that he sent Min Yoongi along with him to make sure Jimin wouldn't relive past events.

Jimin slightly averts his eyes and replied "yeah, it's a little more hectic than I thought the details were shocking. I feel bad for the girl I mean she went through so much but I know she finally is gonna get the justice she deserves."

Jaehyun frowns to this and says "mhm, domestic abuse is no joke..speaking of which, I don't mean to dampen the mood but last time I saw you at your apartment you weren't doing to good how are things now? At Taehyung's lawfirm too."

Jimin actually smiles at the mention of the other two "Surprisingly everything is going great I haven't exactly spoken much as they have with each other so.."

"Does Taemin know about them?" Jaehyun asks mood turning sour.

"Oh...he met up with Taehyung once and-" Jimin pauses when his phone begins to ring. Once seeing the caller ID he really did not want to pick up. Taemin was calling him and Jimin knew for a sure fact that if anything seemed off Jaehyun wouldn't hesitate to start something with Taemin.

Jaehyun peers over to take a peek at Jimin's phone and saw the caller. Jimin nervously chuckles and says "it fine- I'll take it later he'll understand"

Jaehyun raises an eyebrow suspiciously and replies "No, don't worry pick up the call and just let him know where you are." The elder was clearly trying to get evidence against Taemin to start something which worried Jimin.

Jimin gulps and reluctantly presses accept and instantly he hears a stern tone from the other line "who are you with."

"Oh..Hey Babe! I'm just over at Jaehyun's and-" Jimin said lightening his tone praying Taemin would realize he was with someone however, was rudely interrupted by Taemin who clearly didn't care who he was around.

"Come home NOW you know I don't like you being around him." Taemin says clearly losing his patience.

"But I-" Jimin begins.

"I wasn't giving you a choice." Taemin dismissively says. With that Taemin ends the call instantly silencing Jimin in fear less of what Taemin would do but more what Jaehyun was capable of.

"That fucker just wait till I-" Jaehyun begins clearly getting frustrated by Taemin's tone towards Jimin.

Jimin quickly gets up as he saw Taemin picking up his car keys and scanning the room for his leather jacket. Jimin rushes to him and grabs his wrist.

"No! Everything is okay I swear it was just a small fight we had earlier and he is upset!" He says trying to justify Taemin's actions.

"Jimin im not stupid. As your older brother I'm looking out for you the same way Karina and Ryujin would. I don't understand why you won't let anyone help you." Jaehyun faces Jimin putting his hand on the smaller's shoulder and tone shifting to a more saddened one near the end.

Jimin sighs to himself if only it were that fucking simple.

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