6 - I miss you guys

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Jimin's heart rate accelerated no longer because he was nervous for the interview but moreover who the interviewer was now. It may be a good idea to just run out the door and never show his face again but he wouldn't risk getting blackballed in the law industry. There was no way he was getting that job if his ex boyfriend was the one deciding.

Jimin sighed recollecting his memory of the events that occurred earlier. Not only as that embarrassing as fuck, but if there was no chance he could get the job he was sure of it now.

He spotted in the corner of his eyes the taller chocolate eyed man walk over to his direction and open the office door. He held the door open gesturing Jimin in while the smaller suppressed an eyeroll. Maybe getting rejected from this job isint the worst thing to happen since he won't have to deal with Taehyung being his boss.

He walked in and sat on the black chair in front of Taehyung while giving him a folder in his hand. "No need" Taehyung quickly says sliding the folder back in front of the smaller. "I already had a look at your resume and our company would be stupid not to hire you."

Jimin pursed his lips at this. He knew anyone would easily hire him given his impressive backround and notoriety. That's the thing the Taehyung wasn't just anyone he was his ex boyfriends. Jimin's once hight chance of getting that job probably dwindled to absolutely nothing.

For the rests of the it review surprisingly it was a breeze. Most of the questions where ones he already knew the answer to and any standard interview would probably ask. Surprisingly Jimin could tell the taller was stressed as well probably based off of their past history.

"Well, you answered all the questions so we will get back to you soon on the results." Taehyung says in his perfected business voice.

Jimin gave him a tight smile then bowed walking to the door. Just as he wrapped his hand around the handle he felt a larger hand on his shoulder.

"Look, me and Jeongukk are back in contact and I thought you should know.." his business voice gone and now a softer voice he used to use around Jimin.

Jimin sighed. To say the least he was conflicted obviously he shouldn't even think about even going in contact with them. Then again a large part of him really does want to hold onto that small memory of them. Before he knew it he blurted out something he obviously didn't think through.

"I miss you guys yeah, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back"

Taehyungs expression flashed a hurt look as he chewed his bottom lip. "I know it's just I've fucked up so much and I want you both to know I'm not the same highschool Taehyung"

Jimin pressed his lips together and replied solemnly "I'll think about it." Before the taller man could blink the shorter was already out the door scurrying away from his old memories.

Jeongukk's Messages

Hey Kook what's up?

Nothing much how about you?

If I'm being honest quite the day I saw Jimin


Obviously not on purpose he's a lawyer now and had an interview with my lawfirm

Ugh I know I should not be effected by it since our relationship is over but looking into his eyes reminded me of what we used to have

He said he misses us but he isint ready to come back and I'm not sure wether to be hurt or happy

Look, I obviously miss him but I can't help but understand where he is coming from

In our relationship we were all really toxic but Jimin never really fought back he is for sure traumatized

I love talking to you Jeongukk you really put things into perspective now I remember why I used to have such a huge crush on you 😊


Tae don't get me wrong I miss you but we have to be careful I think if we get back together it could end even worse

Yeah I know I just can't help getting old feelings around you

It's okay as long as we learn to control those feelings


Jeongukk sighed as he shoved his phone in his pocket. That reunion really complicated his life. Originally when he broke up with his boyfriends it took a ton of work to go back to his regular life and deal with the trauma with tons of therapy. Then why does he feel the same attraction from before. He wasn't stupid enough to go back but why did his heart do summersaults from a simple text from the older male.

It makes him recall the way the three even got into a relationship. It was quite an amusing story at that. It was complicated among them three. Jeongukk was the leader of the soccer team, whilst Taehyung the leader of basketball accompanied by Jimin the class president. Jimin had strict parents and being gay was out of the question. Taehyung was Jimins bestfriend with benefits you could say. That was until Taehyung met Jeongukk. He was quickly infatuated with a raven haired male who wanted nothing to do with him. Jimin however was jealous of Taehyung's crush causing him to literally beat up an innocent Jeongukk. The funny thing was when Taekook started dating it was only for Jeongukk to spite Jimin until he caught feelings for both. It was funny seeing the closeted shorter male sent any attraction to either of them.

Deep in his thoughts a knock at his apartment door suddenly awakened him. He got onto his feet realizing he wasn't exactly expecting anyone and was deeply confused. He looked through the peephole to see nobody there. Jeongukk was Never afraid of ghosts, monsters, and paranormal stuff. Burglars however scared him shitless. He scanned the room for his familiar baseball bag his dad gifted him on his 13th birthday.

He quickly ran to grab it going back to the door taking a deep breathe. Here goes nothing may god forgive me for whatever I've done thought my life was all that's was running through his head when he opened the door.

To his surprise there was someone at the door. Before he could even swing at the intruder a squeak was heard. He looked down to see a familiar shorter man. Jeongukk was astonished how did he have his address. Why was he even here. So many questions yet only one thing was able to come out of his mouth.


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