Chapter 19: Big Brother

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Brian and Ellen return to the inn and Lizzie so that they can gather their belongings and join their parents on the journey to Fraser's Ridge. Young Ian is already outside, loading the wagon and Jamie soon joins him. It is then that Brian hears loud and happy chatter. He and Ellen share a confused look while Mama simply grins and strides outside, urging Brian, Ellen and Lizzie to follow with the last of their things.

They emerge from the inn to find a man and woman standing in front of Jamie and Ian. The man is tall with brown hair and blue eyes with a wooden left hand. Brian frowns as he wonders why this man is familiar. The woman next to him is shorter and has blonde hair poking out of her cap and blue eyes and is carrying a baby in a sling, Brian would estimate the child to be over a year and a half old.

The man's face goes politely blank in incomprehension as he stares at them.

"Ah, there's two people I want yer to meet, Fergus." Jamie beams, clasping Brian on the shoulder as he comes to stand next to him with Ellen following.

Fergus? The Fergus that Mama and Jamie found in France and basically adopted? Mama then Aunt Jenny and Uncle Ian had told him stories about Fergus, the man that is essentially his elder brother.

"Fergus?" Ellen speaks, and she glances at Mama questioningly. "As in the French kid Fergus?"

Mama grins. "Yes."

"I—" Brian begins to speak as the silence drags on as Fergus simply stares at them and the woman, who Brian can only assume is Fergus' wife, frowns as she gazes upon them.

"You're Brian." Fergus interrupts, letting out a disbelieving laugh.

"I am."

Fergus suddenly hugs him, and Brian lets out a surprised laugh. Brian glances at Fergus' wife and is glad to see that she is no longer frowning and is looking more friendly.

Fergus pulls back with a smile. "I don't believe it! I know milady said you were well but..." his eyes land on Ellen who smiles awkwardly, "and you?"

"Ellen. His sister." She's a little hesitant and reserved. Brian doesn't blame her for being uncertain around strangers, but is Fergus really a stranger? Brian can't remember but he and Fergus had known each other for nearly two years before Brian travelled through the stones.

"Weel, they certainly favour ye." Fergus' wife remarks and Fergus prods her in the back of the ribs, muttering "Marsali" reproachfully, but Jamie looks delighted.

Brian feels overwhelmed with having met his birth father, but he can only imagine what Jamie is going through. Thinking he'd never meet his children and then they appear fully grown and warning him of his death.

Ellen smiles, looking slightly more relaxed. "So, we've been told."

The party travelling to the Ridge must leave before noon to reach it in daylight, so the meeting is all bundled up with leave-taking and promises that they'll speak more when they meet next. Eventually, everything is packed and ready, and Jamie has put his hands on Fergus's shoulders to bid him farewell and Mama has hugged Marsali and Germain, whose name Brian had learnt. Ellen and Brian share awkward but hopeful goodbyes with the couple and Brian watches as the three stand together in the street to wave as the wagon trundles off.


December 1744

♪ Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques, dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? ♪

♪ Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines! ♪

♪ Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong. ♪

Brian is being bounced on Fergus' knee, facing him, as he sings a familiar melody but with French words put to it. Brian smiles and laughs as he listens, his pudgy hands clapping together.

"Fergus, where did you learn that?"

Brian turns his head to the familiar voice and sees his mother watching them with a smile.

Fergus' head snaps up, looking a bit self-conscious at being caught singing and he shrugs one shoulder as he answers, "The ladies at Maison Elise taught it to me."

"It's lovely. And Brian seems to like it, too." Mama smiles at him encouragingly.

Fergus grins. "I will have him speaking en français in no time, milady!"

Brian decides they haven't paid enough attention to him, so he yanks on Fergus' hair to gain his attention causing the other two in the room to laugh but Brian doesn't care as Fergus relinquishes to his demands.


A/N: One more reunion to go!

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