♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ♪

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Liliana Oliver slouched slightly and sighed as she got to the door, André not far behind.

"Do we really have to do this? I mean, Trina is absolutely horrible." The young girl complained.

"Oh come on, Lils. It's not ideal, I'm certain of that. Maybe she'll get better, with a bit of practice?" His words came out more of a question than a statement. Liliana stared at André for a second, knowing that he didn't believe that at all, before rolling her eyes and sighing heavily for what seemed to be the umpteenth time.

"Fine, I'll go," she finally gave in, "but it doesn't mean I'll like it." She quickly added on afterwards.

Even after their short conversation at the door, both were still hesitant to knock on it. They (and almost everyone else) knew how infuriating and self-obsessed Trina was. So it was just the luck of two talented tenth-graders that she was singing their song at their school's Big Showcase.

Eventually, after some serious evaluation and self guilt-tripping, André eventually knocked on the door and the two stood there, awaiting what could cause them to get hearing aids in the near future.

Suddenly, the door swung open and an annoyed looking Trina stood there to greet them (if that's what you would even call it due to her nasty attitude).

"Come in." She says boredly and Liliana and André both walk inside quite awkwardly. Trina then turns to her sister introducing the two and getting their names horribly incorrect.

"It's André and Liliana, or Lily if you want." Liliana corrected as she and André stepped further inside.

"You go to Hollywood Arts too?" André asks although he didn't recall seeing her around before.

"Oh no. I'm not a performer. Just her sister." Tori is quick to deny. Trina then starts to ramble on about Tori's teeth? Liliana wasn't really paying attention as her eyes set on a beautiful grand piano set up in the empty space behind the lounge area. She slightly nudges André and gestures to the instrument that he is such a natural with. She was too, she was very musical actually, but the way that André played the piano always put her in a better mood. Maybe she was just hoping that his playing would eventually drown out the foghorn that was known as Trina Vega.

The male musician's eyes glistened in excitement as he strode over to the piano.

"Oh, nice piano!" He complimented and then he played a little melody that he had been practising a few days prior. Tori seemed really impressed with his skills while Trina just passed it off as some mediocre playing. Lily found herself rolling her eyes yet again at the comment and looked back over to André to see him sniffing Tori's hand. It was definitely... something.

"Fish mould." She clarified and later explained her school project to Lily and said girl was trying her best not to seem disgusted by it.


A few days later, after feeling like she had a gong go off directly next to her ears and constantly typing out her frustrations on The Slap but then deleting afterwards as she didn't want to receive Trina's wrath (even if she could handle her easily), Liliana drank some lemonade while sitting on the sun beds that she had come quite accustomed to during her time at the Vegas' house. She was definitely going to like coming here more often than not.

Her eyes were closed and lips turned upward in amusement as she listened to André try to reassure his paranoid grandma through the phone. She had offered to try and help, as Mrs Harris seemed to have a soft spot for the girl, but he brushed her off saying he could handle it. And he seemed to be doing a really good job at it too.

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