♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀ♪

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Liliana and Andre walked through the doors to the main hallway and spotted Robbie, Cat and Tori on the stairs, although Tori seemed distracted on her laptop.

"Hey, what's going on?" Andre greeted as the two joined the others by the staircase.

"We're gonna go get some iced coffee." Robbie responded.

"Ooh I want a peach ice tea, can i come with?" Lily asked.

"Yeah sure, the more the merrier." Robbie smiled at the brunette.

"Wait, I thought caffeine makes you vibrate." Andre questioned the curly haired boy.

"Sometimes it's nice." Robbie admitted, which made Lily shake her head in amusement.

"Ooh, a massage helmet. A stylish helmet that messages your head! That sounds fun, right?" Tori asked desperately to the people around her.

"Yeah it does, especially if you get headaches," Lily agreed. "Wait, what's that website by the way, I'm asking for myself?" Lily took a sneak at Tori's laptop to see that it was the Sky Store. She made a mental note to check it out later, while Andre, beside her, made a mental note of a potential birthday present for her incase she forgot, since the girl often did.

"Could be." Cat chimed in after Lily.

"Uh sure." Andre said after Cat, zoning back into the conversation.

"No, it's awful!" Tori then said.

"I hate helmets." "It's a bad thing." Cat and Andre agreed with Tori thinking it would make her feel better.

"No, it's great, I'm definitely getting one." Lily argued, imagining how comfortable she'll be when she gets that helmet.

Tori then groans in frustration about how she doesn't have any gift ideas for Trina's birthweek. Yes, birthweek, because she is so in love with herself that she had to have a whole week celebrating her. Lily rolled her eyes at this because Trina was so predictable, but she agreed to help Tori because she felt bad at how bad she was struggling.

The teens sat with Tori, completely forgetting about the coffee run they were planning on going on.


It was lunch time, and the group, bar Beck, and Sinjin were sitting at the table while Tori was encouraging everyone to bring forward ideas for Trina's present. Lily wasn't fully involved though, because she was jotting down possible moves for her choreography for ballet.

"Cheese." Andre suggested.

"If you were to ever get me cheese as a gift, I would never speak to you again, don't be dumb Andre." Lily immediately shut down his idea. "Also, this is Trina we're talking about, so cheese definitely wouldn't cut it." She added at the end and went back to her notes in her journal.

"Okay, let's not do cheese." He responded after receiving glare from Tori and getting shut down by Lily.


"Lotions. Or various lotions." He suggested. Immediately no.

"Gross. Cat?"

"Well, for my last birthday, I thought my parents were gonna get me a bike, but when I got home from school, my brother was trying to cut off his hair, so my mom started yelling-" Cat was abruptly interrupted by an annoyed Tori and she turned to Jade.

"Hey sweetie, are you okay?" Lily asked her redhead friend, slightly concerned.

"Yeah, of course, why do you ask?" Cat responded in her usual bubbly manner, completely clueless to the worrying look in Lily's eyes.

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