♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ♪

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Liliana was currently in the library working on an essay for her music theory class when she had gotten approached by her favourite first year. She looked up and smiled.

"Oh, hey JJ, what's up?"

"Oh nothing much, but I was thinking about something and wanted your input on it." Jessica responded sheepishly.

"Yeah definitely, is everything okay?" Lily asked, a bit concerned.

"There's this local talent contest that I saw and was thinking about doing for fun with a couple of my friends. But the more I think about it, the more nervous I get, and it's not even supposed to be a serious thing but I don't want to drop out." Jessica relayed her thoughts to Lily.

Lily smiled softly at JJ, understanding where she was coming from. "Well if it makes you really scared then you don't have to do it, but it may help you become less anxious on stage the more you practise being in front of an audience."

"Yeah I guess. But what if I go on stage and freeze up in front of everyone. I know it's not supposed to be serious but I don't want to embarrass myself." JJ asked worryingly, now letting more negative thoughts get to her. Lily could see what was happening and was determined to stop it.

"Hey, listen to me. You are a very talented girl, who has the voice of an angel, so you need to stop thinking about what could go wrong and more about what will go right." Jessica looked at her, confused at her use of the modal verb.

"If you go on stage and sing, you will blow the audience away with your amazing talent, you will gain a lot more practice on the stage and you will have a lot of fun with your friends after you get over the initial panic. We've all been there JJ, it's just a matter of being super optimistic even when your mind is against you." Jessica smiled as she took in what Lily said. She always seemed to know what to say to make her feel slightly better.

"And hey, even if you decide not to perform, you'll still have plenty of other chances to, so don't even worry about it." Lily added just to make sure that Jess didn't feel pressure to actually perform if she really wasn't feeling it.

"Thanks Lily, you always seem to know what to say. I think I was just in my head too much." Jessica thanked her again and they bid their goodbyes for the morning.


Before she even knew it, it was lunch and Lily was sitting with André, Cat and Tori eating a leftover lasagna she had made the night before. Lily, Cat and André were sitting enjoying their lunch, but Tori's mind was at the table elsewhere which sat Beck and Jade.

"Look at her." She finally spoke up.

"Who?" André questioned.

"Jade!" She slightly exclaimed. "I guarantee she's telling Beck all about how she's going to punch me when we do our scene."

Lily, not really understanding what was happening since she wasn't in Mr Lewis' class that semester, responded with a confused "what?"

André quickly explained to Lily what had gone on in their class since she hadn't really seen them that morning after the first bell.

"Ah okay, thanks Dré." He smiled back at her in response.

"I mean what am I going to do if she really hits me." Tori continued, being very worried over her well-being.

"Oh come on Tori, I know Jade and although she can be very threatening, there's no way she'd actually hit you, especially in front of a teacher." Lily said to try and ease the Vega-girl, although it seemed she got more worried about being hurt by Jade outside of school.

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