♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ♪

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It was early Monday morning when Lily went over to Beck's trailer. She was tired of being in between the two all the time and it was time to lay it on thick with Beck.

With a few knocks on his door, Beck opened it, groggy and confused as to who was at his trailer so early. When he saw his sister, he suddenly remembered her words from the night before. We'll talk later. He didn't think she meant so soon, but then again, Liliana Oliver wasn't one to sugarcoat or delay what was on her mind.

"Can I come in?" She asked. Beck responded by making space for her to enter.

"Has Jade gone home?"

"No, she's still sleeping. We're going to school together today." Lily awkwardly sat down with lips pursed and hands on lap, wondering where she should start from.

"So..." Beck trailed off, not really sure what Lily would say.

"Beck, do you love Jade?" It may have been a strong question to start off with, but the rest of the conversation would be useless if he didn't even love the girl that they were talking about.

"What? Is that even a question? Of course I love her." Beck didn't expect such a heavy question right off the bat.

"It is a question, because the way you two have been recently is borderline toxic." Both Beck and Jade were challenging each other in different ways that could result in a very messy breakup. If they were to ever break up (which seemed very likely from the way things were going), then Lily wanted to at least ease the toxicity as much as she could. "I don't want to be caught in the middle of whatever you guys have going on, but it seems like I am every single time."

Beck remained silent, thinking about his relationship with Jade. Toxic? Huh.

"As your sister, and Jade's best friend, I'm looking to make sure you're both happy because I care about you two, but you guys have to sort out your issues yourself if you ever want to get anywhere."

At Beck's continuous silence, Lily continued. "You don't have to say anything now, but I'm just expressing my feelings on the matter, since I've become a peacemaker. Just think about what I've said, and change for the better, not only for Jade, but for yourself too. You're not gonna be happy if you guys keep going on like this."

Lily got up to leave, but before she could, Beck spun her around to hug her.

"I'm sorry Lils. For everything." He mumbled, as he hugged his sister.

"It's fine, don't worry."

"It's not fine though, is it? I promised Jade I'd do better so I'm gonna promise you that too." Beck broke the hug so they were eye to eye.

"Okay, Beck, I love you and appreciate the sentiment but we should probably get ready for school now." The two bid their farewells for the time being, and Lily went back to her room to see Jade awake.

"Hey, where'd you go?"

"I just went to talk to Beck." Lily had walked into her wardrobe to pick out an outfit for the day, and from the silence on Jade's end, the conversation was assumed to be over.

The girls made minimal small talk that morning, still tired from the events of the night before, and made their way to school in Jade's car.


A/N here's the second chapter for today! It's the first fully original chapter within the story and I'm hoping to write a lot more in the future, that are hopefully longer than this.
We also got more insight onto Beck and Lily's sibling dynamic too.
Again, so sorry for the late post and if the chapters feel rushed.
Thank you to everyone who's been reading so far <3


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