♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ♪

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"Again, I cannot believe you're writing music for one of the plays this semester. Congrats Dré." Liliana commented as the two walked down the halls of their school.

"Yeah, and again, I cannot believe you're not auditioning for it." the former retorted, emphasising on the "cannot". Lily decided not to audition for any plays this semester as she wanted to focus on music and ballet at the moment. As much as acting was one of her passions (much like her brother's), she needed a break every now and then. "Everyone knows how great of an actor you are."

"Well, I'm really wanting to focus on other things this semester." she looked at her friend and sighed. "Fine. if it makes you feel better, I'll be back to acting in play rosters next semester. You act as if I'm quitting." she chuckled and rolled her eyes at the last sentence.

A little later, the two met up with Robbie, and Rex, and ended up in a conversation about a scary movie and tofu. Honestly, Lily didn't know where half of the conversations with Rex were ever going, so she just kept quiet while the others talked. They ended up meeting a very frazzled Tori at her locker who was clearly in desperate need of assistance. "Hey, can you guys help me?" she asks with slight exhaustion in her voice.


"No problem!"

After the three were done helping Tori, Lily couldn't help but notice how plain her locker looked. Well, it was pretty noticeable since it was right bang in the middle of a bunch of decorated ones. "Alright, my locker is filled. I feel complete."

"Woah, woah. Not yet." André responded. Tori was immediately confused at this. "You gotta customise it."

"Yeah, everyone at Hollywood Arts has to customise their locker."

"Well what'd you do for yours?" Tori asked Robbie. Lily slightly grimaced, knowing that Robbie's locker was a little weird, though she didn't say anything.

"I made a mosaic using all of the baby bottle nipples from my childhood." After receiving the understandable weirded-out looks on their faces, he quickly tried defending himself. "They remind me of a happier time." Tori decided not to ask any further questions to him and turned to André, asking him about his locker. Smiling, André led them towards his locker and played a fun tune, in which everyone slightly danced along.

Then, Lane called the boys to help with the squirrel in his office again. Once they had left, the Vega turned to Lily. "So Lily, have you also got a super cool amazing spectacular locker?" she asked, while jokingly exaggerating with the more adjectives she used.

"Well, it's not a working piano, or a bunch of baby bottle nipples," she began, "but it's mine and I really like it." She said while she led Tori to the topic of their conversation. When they got to the locker, the first thing Tori noticed was the word 'memories' written in cursive. "Erm, it's basically a memory collage. It seems really cheesy, but I like to be reminded of the people I have in my life, ya know?" Pinned all over the locker were small polaroids with little captions on them. Tori examined each one, and smiled, thinking it was a really cool idea.

"I don't think it's cheesy, I actually think that's really cool." Lily smiled at the girl in appreciation.

"Thanks," Lily looked down at her watch and sighed. "Er, sorry Tori, but I gotta go. I promised a ninth grader that I would help them with their project."

"No, that's ok. See you in class?"

"See ya." Lily bid her goodbye and headed for the music room.


At the start of her second year at Hollywood Arts, Liliana had encountered a very jittery and flustered first year. The older girl could tell she was a ball of nerves and so she took it upon herself to make her feel comfortable. It being only a few weeks since then, the ninth grader had begun to open up a little bit more and was seeing Lily as her mentor (unofficially).

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