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Lily and Beck were enjoying the Californian sun on the tables outside. Beck was reading a book called 'The Tragedy' while Lily was immersing herself into 'Pride and Prejudice' for the millionth time. Something about a Georgian enemies to lovers just did it for her.

"Do you ever get bored of that book?" Beck looked at his sister, baffled at the amount of times she's read the Austen book.

"You're acting as if it's the only book I read." Lily rolled her eyes in response. "Besides, I felt like reading it again, it's not a crime." She childishly stuck her tongue out at him and he repeated just as childishly, making them both chuckle and go back to reading.

The two would often sit together and read; it was a mutual agreement and they would just enjoy each other's company while reading. It was one of the ways they bonded, weirdly enough.

Their silence was interrupted by Andre, who came to the table with two water bottles.

"Hey Beck, Lily." He greeted the two.

"Hey Andre." They responded simultaneously, and Beck had put his book down and taken off his sunglasses, while Lily had just continued to read but lent her head slightly on Andre's shoulder.

"You got a free bottle of water." Andre said to Beck, knowing that Lily always had her large water bottle with her. "Oh, I put a dollar in the machine and two came out." He added, seeing the confused look on Beck's face.

"Cool." Lily added, but was still mainly focused on her book. She had gotten up to the part where the Bennet's had found out that Lydia ran away with Mr Wickham and they were all in distress.

"Ah thanks," Beck said, "but I don't drink water from mountain streams."

"Why not?" Andre asked, confused.

"Mountain streams are full of fish."


"Fish pee. You're drinking fish pee." Beck deadpanned.

Lily had put her book down. "No he's not, you idiot. You don't think that companies would clean the water before selling it to consumers?" She questioned. Beck shrugged his shoulders, not really caring that much.

"Hey guys!" Tori yelled as she ran towards the table where the other three were seated.

"Hey Tori." Lily greeted the girl. Tori smiled back at her and then turned her attention to Beck.

"Dude. Look what's on the Buzzfinger homepage." She tells the boy.

"Oh, poor Jay Leno." He said sympathetically.

"Yeah, I saw that this morning, it was so sad." Lily chimed in.

"No, under that." Tori scrolled her phone down and put it in front of Beck's face yet again.

Beck looked at the photo and shrugged it off.

"That's you and Alyssa Vaughn together." Tori exclaimed.

"No way." Andre turned the phone so he could see the photo.

"Oh I love Alyssa, we need to go water skiing again." Lily said, also not that bothered about the photo; her and Alyssa were pretty good friends.

"That's Beck and Alyssa Vaughn together." Andre said in disbelief. He turned to Lily, "you know who Alyssa Vaughn is personally?" She nodded in response and he looked back at Tori's phone.

"Why are you guys so impressed?" Beck asked, not understanding their excitement.

"'Cause Alyssa Vaughn is famous." Tori responded.

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