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Lily and Jessica sat (more like hid) in Lane's office and were making use of the fan he had in there. Lily knew it was lunch and had to meet up with her friends soon but she wanted to savour the coolness the fan brought her, as well as spend some time with JJ as they haven't hung out in a while.

"So, how's that Andre dude you're with?" JJ asked, completely serious.

"What? Andre and I aren't together Jessie." Lily responded, confused as to why everyone keeps insinuating that there was something romantic between them, however, she still blushed at the question.

Jessica, over the weeks, had become a lot more comfortable with Lily, which was why they were together in Lane's office without permission, so she was often talking a lot without really thinking because she knew that she could trust the older girl. "Oh, really? I mean, you guys seem closer than others, but sorry for assuming." She replied.

"Don't worry about it, you're not even the first to ask." Lily reassured the 9th grader.

Before the girls could even continue their conversation, the door to the office opened and in walked Lane, who noticed them almost immediately and gave them a look.

"Look girls, I know I said my office is open anytime, but that's usually to speak to me, not to use my things when I'm not here."

"Would now be a good time to have my session then?" JJ asked cheekily.

"I wouldn't usually say no, but I actually have one with another kid in about five minutes so it's best that you guys go." The girls reluctantly got up from their positions next to the fan and bid goodbye to Lane, who they loved because of how easy going he was. "Bye girls, enjoy the heat!" He called after them in a teasing manner.


The younger Oliver sibling had eventually joined her friends outside at the lunch table, after her and JJ had tried (and failed) to find a new place to cool off. They had both just decided to part ways and meet up with their respective friends.

She had made it to the table just as Jade was yelling to Trina that no one liked her, which she chuckled at.

"Hey guys, what's up?" The girl sat next to Andre, trying not to stare shamelessly at his muscles, which she had weirdly gained a new thing for after his whole ketchup situation a few weeks earlier.

"Hey Lils, where have you been?"

"Oh I was hiding in Lane's office, with JJ, using his fan." Lily responded, very nonchalant, while her peers had looked at her in slight confusion.

"Anyway," Tori said, moving on from Lily's unexpected response. "We're planning on going to Venice beach on Saturday, you in?" She asked the Oliver girl, since she hadn't been present when they had the conversation.

"Oh yeah, definitely." Lily loved the beach, so she was down to go.

"Great." The Vega girl smiled at Lily, who reciprocated the action.

Then, Tori turned around to see Sinjin in a very worrying position in a kiddy pool nearby.

"What's with the pool?" Liliana turned to the group, confused, while Tori and Robbie went to check on the poor boy.

"I'm charging people five bucks for five minutes in the pool. I've already made sixty!" Andre explained to her, showing off the cash he obtained.

Lily laughed slightly. "Nice, wish I'd thought of it first."

The rest of lunch consisted of the teens attempting to eat their food without suffering too much in the heat, while Lily had slightly dozed off on Andre's shoulder as the sun made her sleepy when it was too hot. Andre had then convinced Beck to continue with his money-making scheme, so that Lily wouldn't get disturbed from her mini nap.

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