♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ♪

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If there was anything that Jessica Danvers found intimidating, it was Lily's friends. Not that they were horrible people, but something about the group of teens that were so talented made her nervous. This was the reason why JJ currently stood next to the food truck, fiddling with her bag strap, building up the courage to go up to speak to Beck.

Said group, being Beck, Jade, Tori and Andre, were discussing the possibility of Beck getting a role in the new Melinda Murray movie. While the group were distracted by Andre complaining about bees again, JJ took the chance to speak to Beck.

"Erm, hi Beck, can I speak to you." She tapped his shoulder to catch his attention.

"Oh, hey Jessica, sure." Beck quickly excused himself and the two moved a bit away from the table, which calmed JJ down a little bit.

"Erm, Lily said that she gave you something to give to me since she's not around right now."

Lily was currently in New York at a Juilliard open day, to see more of the school and its facilities. She had been wanting to attend the performing arts school since she was four and learned to do an arabesque before anyone else in her class. To others it sounded silly, but when she got her first compliment from her stoic ballet teacher, she felt like she could do anything. Fast forward to present day, and the teen was in the midst of creating her audition tape for her dream school, all thanks to Miss Morgan.

Unfortunately, the open day that Lily was attending, required her to be away from school for a few days, which she didn't necessarily mind, but it also meant she'd be missing JJ's birthday. This issue was the reason why JJ went up to Beck in the first place, as Lily had asked Beck to give JJ her birthday gift.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot." Beck went to his bag to retrieve the present that was wrapped in purple wrapping paper. "Here you go, happy birthday Jessica." He smiled at the younger girl.

"Thank you, I'll let you be now." Jessica walked away from the lunch area and went to meet up with her friends in the games room.


It was nine thirty in New York and Lily was watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother on the TV while scrolling through the Slap.com until she got a call from Beck.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Lily I got the role, I got it!" Beck yelled excitedly down the phone. Despite it being a small role, he was really excited to begin his acting career and hopefully make it big.

"Beck, that's amazing! Congrats!" Lily was happy for Beck, knowing that acting has been his passion for so long and now he got to experience a professional environment for the first time.

The two siblings talked for a while longer, before they bid their goodbyes as it was nearing ten for Lily and she was up early in the morning.


Back in LA, Jessica had gone up to her room after her birthday dinner and remembered the present she had yet to open, since she was in such a rush after school, and got distracted by her friends at lunch.

She held the gift in her hands and analysed it for a second before unwrapping it to reveal a journal. It was a midnight blue with gold designs on the cover. Her name was engraved on the edge of the journal in cursive with the same gold colour. Wow, it's beautiful.

JJ opened the first page to see a note from Lily.

"Happy birthday JJ! I'm so sorry that I couldn't be here to celebrate with you, but best believe I'll make up for that when I get back. I hope you like your present, I know that your current journal is almost full so I thought I'd get you a new one. Enjoy!

Lots of love, Lily <3"

She smiled as she read it, and went to text her thanks, but not expecting a response since it was almost ten in New York. Jessica went to bed with a smile on her face.


A/N hey guys, I'm so sorry I didn't update last week, I was super busy. I was planning on releasing it on Friday but I was really struggling to write this chapter as I wanted it to be an original one, although it's not as long as I wanted it to be.

I'll be posting 3 more chapters this week to make up for missing last week and also this really short chapter, and I'll probably change my upload schedule to Saturdays now.

Just another not, I'll be changing around some of the episodes to fit the storyline better, so if you see a random episode from a different season then that is why.

Anyways, so sorry again and I hope you enjoyed this short chapter and don't forget to vote if you did <3

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