♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ♪

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It was a regular Sunday night and Lily and Andre were brainstorming movie soundtrack ideas for fun, although that task proved to be difficult as Charlotte Harris was constantly in distress about something. They had originally been at his own house, but after the older woman's constant distress calls, they had moved their brainstorming session to Andre's grandma's house, but not before using butter to get her out from under her bed.

"Andre! There's a big green monster in the garden!" She called from the kitchen. Andre rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"It's not a monster grandma, It's a bush!" He yelled back. "I should really call in a gardener to get rid of it." He mumbled to the girl beside him, making her shake her head in amusement.

"Anyway," Lily continued. "How about we add a crescendo towards the bridge as a build up to the climax? We can add in some strings too to give it that dramatic effect."

"Yeah, I totally dig that idea." Andre jotted her suggestions into his notebook. "I think that if we also-" The Harris boy was cut off from the sound of his laptop chiming, indicating that someone was calling him on The Slap. He brought his laptop closer towards the two to see that Tori was calling him.

"You mind if I take this?" Andre looked at Lily for her permission.

"No, go ahead." She smiled back, appreciating that he had the manners to ask her first. She then took her own laptop in her hands was adjusting and editing the music they had produced so far, as a baseline, before they attempted to get real instruments involved.

"Tori Vega, what's up!" He greeted the girl after accepting her call.

"Hey, I'm on the plane." She joked with him.

"Oh, you're on the plane? If I were you I'd get in the plane." Andre laughed at his joke while both Tori and Lily gave him looks.

"That is the worst joke you've ever said. Don't do it again." Lily deadpanned to her brown skinned friend.

"Hey is that Lily?" Tori asked, hearing the girl's comment.

"Hey Tori, what's up?" Lily greeted, coming into frame with Andre, with the two's shoulders touching.

"I'm fine, but the plane isn't going to land until after 11." She told the two.

"Oh, but we've gotta write that script for class."

"I know. You wanna do it over video chat?" She asked hopefully. "Or are you two busy with something?" She looked at Lily and Andre.

"No, it's fine, you guys can do your script. I know how tough Grabstein can be. Besides, I told you guys not to leave it last minute so I guess you only have yourselves to blame." She teased in hopes of fighting the blush that was creeping up on her after Tori's comment.

"Okay, I'll text Beck and Cat and tell them to get online." Andre told Tori, after thanking the girl next to him gratefully.

"Cool." Tori smiled, ready to get the assignment done. Lily then headed to the kitchen to grab a drink for herself and Andre, also making sure Charlotte was okay. She saw the older woman rummaging through her wardrobe, not exactly sure what she was looking for. However, she left, not wanting to startle the jumpy woman, so Andre wouldn't get too distracted from his homework.

As she was pouring her and Andre some drinks, she heard his grandma yell about her clock again. Then she chuckled as she heard Andre's grandma ask where the butter was, clearly unaware that the two teens had to use it earlier to get her out from under the bed.

Lily had passed Charlotte on her way back to the living room, and as she was nearing the couch, she heard a scream which made her jump. Luckily the drinks didn't spill out of the glasses so she passed one to Andre, and put her own down, before going to check up on her.

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