♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx♪

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Liliana, Andre, Tori, Beck and Jade all sat eating lunch and Liliana was reaching the end of her book that she was reading. The others were conversing with two of their classmates until they left and Cat giddily bounced over with something in her hands. She placed the odd contraption on the table which everyone eyed for a second, until going back to their previous tasks.

Lily wanted to finish the Austen book quickly before next period because she only had a couple of pages left and it would annoy her if she got home to read and only had around six pages left to read.

Cat looked at her friends in disbelief. "Don't you guys want to know what that is?"

"Is it a transporter From the future That can beam you To another table, 'Cause if it is, What button do I push?" Jade asked, irritated.

"Jade, don't be rude." Lily told the girl beside her. Even though she wasn't interested in what Cat's weird machine was, she still didn't enjoy it when people were rude to her friend.

"Yeah!" Cat agreed. "That's so hurtful."

"You know Jade, you don't have to be mean to everyone." Tori continued to defend Cat.

"See! Tori and Lily are interested in my device." Both girls denied that statement however.

Andre felt bad for the redhead, so he asked her what her machine did.

"It's called 'The Snow Bee'. Watch." Cat then leaned over to turn on the machine, which immediately shot out fake snow in the air and it landed all over the teens at the table. "It's pretend snow!" the girl exclaimed excitedly.

"I can see that."

"It's all over my tostada." Beck complained.

"And my pizza." Tori added on."

"Well do not eat it." Cat said seriously, explaining how its chemicals would cause abdominal bleeding.

Lily shook her head at the girl, as well as attempting to get the snow out of her hair. She then shook her book to get rid of the particles that had made its way there, hoping that the chemicals didn't affect the paper. She listened to Cat's excitement over the Sky Store catalogue while putting her book in her bag.

"It's filled with all kinds of cool stuff you can buy. Oh! Like this: a tree face." Cat said excitedly. "You put it on your tree to give it a face." Lily looked at Cat in confusion at her antics.

"What if you don't have a tree?"

"It also works on bushes!" she giggled while the rest of the group continued to look at each other, very confused.

Just then, Robbie walked up to the table with Rex on his arm, seeming very upset.

"Unbelievable! You guys have no idea how upset I am right now-" The curly haired boy looked around seeing the snow. "It snowed? In Los Angeles?"

"I told you global warming was bogus." Rex said to Robbie.

"Stop watching Fox News."

"No, it's fair and balanced." Lily shook her head at the puppet, wondering how Robbie ended up with him.

"It's not real snow." Beck told Robbie.

"But you can eat it." Jade added mischievously, trying to trick him.

"Jade, no." Lily said to her friend and lowered her hand, while Robbie sat down, sulking.

"What are you all upset about?" Andre asked the boy.

"This time?" Beck added on with an eye roll.

Robbie told them how the seniors wanted to shut down his blog, because they claimed it to be boring. The group, apart from Tori and Lily, all managed to leave, claiming there was a guy, to try and avoid hurting the boy's feelings, but the lie was exposed when Jade walked passed.

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