♪ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ♪

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It was Monday morning at Hollywood Arts and Andre, Lily, Cat and Robbie were chatting in the hallway about their weekends.

They then got onto the topic of Lily's trip to Juilliard.

"New York is great. What wasn't great was the baby that was crying the whole flight and the guy sat next to me snoring the whole time." Lily said as she rounded off her story.

The group then chatted a bit more until Tori came up to them.

"Hey Tori."

"Hi there"

"How's it going?"

"What's up?"

"Well, after school I was thinking we should all go hang out at the grove. You wanna-wanna?" Tori asked hopefully.

The other teens gave each other awkward looks knowing that they couldn't hang out today.

"Sorry, we can't today."

"How come?"

"We have ping pong practice." Robbie told her, while the other three agreed.

"Shut up." Tori said, not believing her friends.

"It's true."

"Yeah, we're all on the ping pong team, us four, Beck and Jade." Cat explained.

"There's no ping pong team at Hollywood Arts." Tori said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, you've not been here long enough to know that then." Lily responded to the Vega girl.

After a concerning conversation about the gum Tori was chewing, the topic then shifted back to ping pong.

"Look, if you guys don't want to hang out with me, then just say so. Why make up a lie that you're all on some ping pong team?" Tori felt slightly hurt, thinking that the people she considered close friends, didn't want her around.

"Hey Tori."

"Hi there."

"How's it going?"

"What's up?"

Tori was in disbelief at how the group was trying to avoid the conversation.

"Look, if you don't believe us, just go to the rec room."

"You can see all the trophies we've won."

"First place."

Lily internally rolled her eyes, wondering why they were trying to keep the lie up with Tori. She was basically part of the group now, and although she had some very suspicious moments, Lily genuinely liked the girl, contrary to Jade's protests. 

"Oh, then I want to try out for the team." Tori said enthusiastically.

"Then you'd have to talk to the team captain."

"Who's the captain?"


Tori groaned loudly, not wanting to deal with the West girl that didn't like her.

Lily checked the time, realising it was almost time for her to go with Jessica to Lane's office.

"Hey guys, I've got to go, I'll see you later."

Everyone bid goodbye to Liliana, before changing the conversation back to ping pong.


"How do you think having Lily to guide you has helped you adapt to Hollywood Arts?" Lane asked Jessica, as he wanted to assess how comfortable JJ was at that moment, and if there was any further guidance he could give.

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