9. Communication

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On the way home, Taehyung's phone rang. He was just a few meters from getting home, but he decided to stop at one of the commercial corners of the avenue. Still, he still didn't figure out how he was supposed to act in front of his boyfriend after that afternoon.

He hated talking to him after lying. And he had lied that afternoon, about everything.

The phone screen read 'Joon's Mom'. Taehyung broke down, feeling fragile from one moment to the next. He swallowed and cleared his throat before answering. From the other side, sounds resembling frets and water rang out, before an "He answered" was heard.

"Hello? Mrs. Kim?" Taehyung said, putting on the most natural voice he had. He waited a bit and the mess on the other side subsided a bit.

"Hello, son, sorry, it's just- Stop that!" The lady yelled in Taehyung's ear, who moved away after still hearing the screams of a woman, he guessed, Namjoon's sister "I'm sorry, Taehyung-ah..." He was going to say not to worry, but the lady interrupted him "it's that my husband wanted to cook tonight and, it's a disaster...and then Yuna wanted to help him. Imagine!" She laughed after her allusion, and Taehyung did the same out of courtesy "Oh yeah, but anyway, I'm calling to check on you, how are you?"

"Oh well...yes, the school-"

"Why doesn't Joonie answer me? Is he with you? Are they busy or something?" Taehyung ignored the lady's obvious lack of interest and just remained cordial.

"I'm not home ma'am, but I'm sure he's fine. You must be asleep after so much work-"

"Oh yes, he told me he's busy, so busy it seems he doesn't want to talk to us. He won't tell us what happened with the exchange program and his father is so nervous," he paused to laugh, "he can't wait for the news." that it was accepted."

"Neither do we." Taehyung replied, "As his...friends of his... we are happy for him."

"Oh yeah and you must be putting up with his studies at night, forgive me, you don't have time to go out with your girlfriend."

"I don't have a girlfriend ma'am, and Namjoon is not-"

"YOU DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND YET?" Mrs. Kim interrupted with a shout "Oh Taehyung, you know that life doesn't wait for you, you should think about someone to marry and have children with, buy a house and you know..."

"Yes, ma'am," Taehyung forced a giggle, "I've already told you that I love someone, but I still can't tell more, to you or to anyone else." A sigh was heard from the other side.

"Oh boy; but, anyway, I suppose my son is the same. He never wants to tell us anything about anyone that interests him, even now he doesn't want to admit that he is going abroad because he always liked blondes."

Taehyung swallowed hard, and wanted to disappear a bit, like he always did when he was talking to his boyfriend's mother. He hated that they didn't know, and that he couldn't talk to her freely like his own parents did with Namjoon. He was envious of him for having such a good relationship with people who were so important to him, he wanted the same.

"Really? I had no idea."

"Yes, since he was a child he bought magazines, always one of American women and another of wrestlers that his father brought him from his trips abroad. They say that these women are so scandalous! Oh please, Taehyung, help me and tell me if he talks to you from someone there." The lady asked honestly, and Taehyung nodded, thankful that he wasn't speaking in person, because she had seen the frustration on his face.

"Sure...well," Taehyung straightened up and started walking again "I have to leave you now, I'm going to the library." He lied.

"Oh, sure Honey, rest, say 'hi' to Namjoon for me." Behind her voice came more voices saying goodbye and sending hugs, until the call was ended.

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