16. Firsts

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The first date Namjoon and Taehyung ever had happened during a school field trip. It was a cultural event organized by the architecture faculty; The goal was to take as many students as possible on a cultural tour of the northern part of the country, passing through the most important buildings and museums to try to promote national art. It was an experience that they sold as unique and, at least it was for the Kim Taehyung of that time.

After seeing Namjoon for the first time, he made Jimin research everything about the business student who had just returned from New Zealand to finish his studies in his native country. Jimin, like any good fan with experience of pop singers from the US, investigated thoroughly until he found the social networks of that mysterious man. He immediately shared the username to Taehyung.

So, it was two in the morning when Taehyung was still looking at that feed with incredible photos, memorizing every book phrase that Namjoon had shared; becoming overwhelmed with stories with men, wishing that none of them were more than a family member or friend; blushing for every selfie taken and reading every description as if it were an encrypted message, made just so he could talk and understand who the man who had stolen his breath really was.

That's how he realized that this man had quite cultured hobbies, too. His publications in the Seoul National Museum made him reflect on how complex that man's mind must be. Then, remembered the cultural tour, and decided to do the craziest thing in his life: investigate as much as she could to be able to talk to him. Thus, Taehyug spent the entire preparation process studying the exhibitions, artists and dates that all the publications of his crush represented, in addition to the possible visits on the trip.

When the date arrived, they had to travel in buses separated by group, which was very discouraging; Jimin, however, told him to use that time to think of things to say. Taehyung listened to music and wrote some practices in his notebook to see what might look best.

Likewise, he loved the person he became when he was interested in someone: it seemed like his life was suddenly the most interesting, trying to keep up with someone else's life, finding ways to see them, even for just a second. He had experienced this before with the other boyfriends he had had, and even though the experiences were not the best, Taehyung was not one of those people who lost hope easily.

No, Taehyung was always convinced that love was something possible; And what's more, he was waiting for it. And there was something he told him, as soon as he saw that boy failing miserably in the craft activities during that year's international student tour at the university, that that clumsiness would soon be his.

When they arrived at the first museums, he rushed to have a place next to him in his visiting group. He took advantage of every opportunity to say all the facts that he had memorized, earning great praise from teachers and students... from everyone except that boy named Kim Namjoon, who after half an hour asked permission to go to the toilet and never returned. During mealtime, Taehyung wanted to know where he was; Curiosity got the better of him and he ended up asking permission to go to the bathroom too. However, he ended up going through the entire building looking for that boy with glasses.

After what seemed like an eternity he found it. It was an exhibition that was not part of the tour, a special section to display some select works by Yun Hyongkeun. Taehyung didn't pay much attention to the name, until he saw what (he would later learn) Namjoon had been doing for more than two hours: simply sitting in front of a blue-hued painting.

That seemed silly to him at first, but his desire to talk to him outweighed his judgment.

"Hey, Namjoon-ssi?" Calling him had already made him weak, but it was that childish look that ended up disarming him.

"Oh, are you looking for me? Sorry." His voice sounded angelic, and his nervous laugh seemed like simple honey sliding from his full lips. Taehyung felt his throat dry.

"It is O-Okay, we're on food break. I wanted to see if you weren't hungry."

"Oh..." Namjoon seemed a little confused by the cute boy's spontaneous concern. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I had breakfast early." Taehyung nodded slowly, he was still standing next to that bench, with no idea what to do with his hands, or his entire body. "Sit down." Namjoon told him as he stepped aside.

The blush on Taehyung's face could have been seen for miles as soon as he obeyed that order, which filled him almost immediately. He tried not to race his heart too much as he shared the view of the painting with that imposing man.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Namjoon's voice woke Taehyung up from his dreams. He looked at the painting and then at the profile of his crush.

"Uh...yeah. Beautiful."

"Do you know Yun?" Namjoon suddenly asked, and the information hit Taehyung like a train.

"Of course, he was a painter in the war. Dansaekhwa." The way complete sentences flowed from your mind just by being in Namjoon's presence was impressive.

Namjoon smiled upon hearing the robotic words.

"Good." The praise made Taehyung almost faint. "You really know things about art..."

"I guess."

"...but..." That termination caused Taehyung to turn his head violently towards Namjoon, who had already been watching him for some time. When their eyes met, it was a small fire in both of them. "Data is nothing, you should know that."

"How so?" Taehyung asked sincerely. What he didn't know about painting? But he had studied it for hours! It was absurd to think like that.

"What you just said, you shouldn't take it so lightly. I'm sure you're a person who only sees simple lines, right? And gets carried away." Taehyung felt embarrassed.

"What else is there to see?" His question came out like a whistling wind, whipping the flower in Namjoon's heart.

"The void, or the whole. What is felt. What is not recovered. For me, for example, Yun is loss, but it is also hope." He spoke so abstractly and softly that it was difficult to keep up with him, suddenly, upon realizing the strange face Taehyung had, he started to chuckle awkwardly. "Sorry, I'm being annoying. Just, forget it."

Taehyung is sure he fell in love that instant.

"No," Taehyung begged, making Namjoon tuurn to him "teach me, to see it like that. Teach me then, Namjoon-ah." Namjoon was startled by the sudden request. He wasn't used to something like that after speaking like that. Then, Taehyung smiled, and Namjoon knew he was fucked.


Walking around the house, cleaning as much as he could, Taehyung remembered their first date. He remembered how he had gotten lost for hours in that museum, hearing about more than dates or composition. He remembered what it had been like to listen to Namjoon when he was just another freshmen. He had seemed like the most incredible thing in the world.

He was a person who knew everything, about everything. He was captivating, and a real intellectual challenge. At that time, he remembered, he didn't know why someone like Namjoon would notice him. He was incredibly insecure. He was relieved to see that things had changed and that thanks to Namjoon he had learned more about himself. It was one of the most special characteristics of his boyfriend, an open secret.

His boyfriend. His boyfriend's family. A thought jumped from one to the other. He remembered the night before. There was still no news about Namjoon's mother or father, so he most likely still didn't do anything to make his orientation clear. He remembered the promise of that night, to say it publicly.

Taehyung understood, but at that moment he went a little too much. How did Namjoon plan to be with him when he couldn't do something that, in Taehyung's eyes, was so simple?

Thinking and reflecting, he came to clean the desk in what was supposed to be his private room. He saw the papers and took them to organize them, but when he moved them a sheet fell to the floor; Taehyung sighed before bending down to pick it up: it was the form for the study abroad application, with his name only. He stood up again, looking at it carefully.

A minute later he looked for a pen in his drawers, and made a call. 

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