37. Face up

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"Minji-ah! Where are the oven mitts I gave you?!" The eldest Kim brother's scream echoed through the house still wrapped in plastic and packed in cardboard.

Namjoon was in the kitchen wondering what the fuck open box he had left the rags and mitts in so he could take his sister's lasagna out of the oven, turning the place into chaos and trying not to sweat too much so he wouldn't ruin his outfit.

Minji, his younger sister with still curlers in her hair and toner pads on her face came to his rescue.

"Silly, I told you they were down here, where did you move them?" she said, her firm and stubborn tone contrasting with her brother's, who was sweet and understanding most of the time.

But not that day.

Minji pulled open a loosely closed drawer and pulled out a chicken-shaped glove, a special edition of a children's movie, handing it to her brother and rolling her eyes to go back to the bathroom of the house, the only part that wasn't full of stuff. Namjoon didn't have time to thank her and instead hurriedly took out the plate and put it on the stove, blowing on it hastily before checking the time.

He looked around and immediately became stressed. He decided to leave the kitchen to focus on moving the boxes inside the room, one by one almost throwing them and praying that none of them had his doll collection or Taehyung's glass figures.

The house didn't have music, other than the sound of the open window. It was the new house, the one they had bought with Taehyung recently to be closer to the premises they were renovating. It was central and expensive, but they had both made it work. Luckily the landlord had no issues with their relationship and everything had worked out more or less fine, except for the fact that by the third month they still hadn't finished packing. Which wasn't a problem, until now.

The phone rang from the living room and Namjoon had to jump up and stretch to answer it.

"Namjoon, I'm with everyone, let's go home." Taehyung's voice came from the other end, somewhat faint with the sound of several children and a man's voice in the background.

"No!" Namjoon screamed on instinct, but then managed to stop himself in the middle of the sea of ​​wrapped decorations. "I mean, great... uh... why don't you guys stop by for a drink?" The nervous voice had given him away, he knew it. Taehyung seemed to smile on the other end.

"Is twenty minutes enough?"

Namjoon had never been more grateful for how much his boyfriend knew his voice and he sighed.

"Yeah, very much." Namjoon moved and grabbed another box, leaving the phone cradled between his neck and shoulder. "I love you."

"Me too. See you later." Taehyung hung up the call and in that, Minji came out of the bathroom already made up, combed and perfumed to see her brother sweating all over his shirt putting his phone in his pocket.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed two boxes carrying them almost effortlessly to the room, she let her brother catch up and looked at him.

"Go change, please, I'll finish."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked her, approaching the living room again to grab the broom, but was obstructed by his sister who just pointed at the room and looked at him firmly. "Okay, fine... but there are only twenty minutes so..."

"Shut up and calm down, or you won't be able to say anything to Taehyung." Minji reprimanded him, starting to sweep.

"Am I that bad?" Namjoon sniffed himself, and looked at his sister, seeing the answer in her eyes immediately. "Ok, just, please take care of you know what and let me know."

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