Chapter 03: The Unexpected me

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The nameless man stepped through the portal and emerged on the other side of the door. Fortunately, he made it just in time, as the cave collapsed right after he crossed.

"I must have been an evil man for them to go through the trouble of collapsing the cave on my head," the man muttered as he lay on the ground, breathing heavily. He closed his eyes and reflected on the events that had transpired since he woke up. It had only been a few hours, yet he had come close to death.

The man sighed, stretched his shoulders, and examined the scrapes and bruises left behind by the fallen boulder. To his surprise, the pain had vanished.

"Not a bad outcome...Now where am I?" The man surveyed his surroundings and realized he was in an unusual area.

It resembled a never-ending corridor; the walls were tall and composed of the same dark stone. Clearly, the corridor wasn't natural; it was man-made, which puzzled the nameless man.

'Strange! This place gives me an odd feeling, and what's with this dark stone?' he wondered 'I hope this place won't fall on my head too'

The entire place appeared untouched by time and the elements. There was no source of light. The nameless man stood there in the darkness; he could see to some extent. without further delay, he began to explore the area, determined to reach the end of the corridor, so he walked, and walked more

'How large is this damn place? Can't reach it's ending'

After some time and a lot of walking, the man spotted a distant light. This faint glow filled him with hope, and with no more thought, the man rushed toward this light. As he drew nearer, the light grew brighter, revealing itself to be a torch held by a human figure.

"Hey! Over here!" the nameless man shouted.

The figure instantly rushed toward him at an accelerated pace. The nameless man immediately halted, narrowing his vision to get a better look at this figure. It wasn't until the figure was a few meters away that he could see it clearly. Resembled a short monster, almost childlike in size, with no hair, yellow eyes, and green skin. A torch in its left hand. and a wooden club with spikes in his right.

"What the hell is that!?"

Before the nameless man could react, the green monster leaped into the air, aiming his club at the man's head with full force. The man raised his arms to protect himself, and the strike landed on his forearm. Though not as powerful as the man had anticipated, the blow still caused damage as one of the spikes pierced his forearm.

[-10 HP]

"Ughhh! Get away from me!"

In response, the man swiftly delivered a powerful kick to the monster's chin, forcing him to fall to the ground, giving the man some breather. However, the monster quickly regained its footing and charged for another attack. This time, the strike landed on the man's leg, leaving a deep cut and blood streaming down. The man prioritized protecting his head because this green creature went for another strike.

[-10 HP]

As the barrage of hits kept going and each hit found its mark on the nameless man's body, the man felt no fear. In fact, with each blow, he felt anger building inside his chest.

Suddenly an image came to his mind—In the image, he saw himself in a field surrounded by corpses. These corpses were in terrible condition, some missing heads, limbs, or pierced through their chests. The nameless man stood covered in blood from head to toe, shouting at the sky.

[System detected a memory]

[Unique skill discovered]

[Skill: Wrath]

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