Chapter 14: Guild, beauty and broken legs (1)

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"Damn, I almost lost my nerve!" exclaimed Aron as he passed through the gates of the town.

"What just happened? For a second, I thought you were going to kill those two guards," Raum inquired, noticing the intense emotions emanating from his friend.

"I don't know," Aron truthfully replied.

[Master, what happened is that the moment you saw the two guards, you unleashed tremendous killing intent. Fortunately, I was able to suppress it, or the two humans would have collapsed from the immense pressure alone] explained the system, which had been silent for some time, almost making Aron forget it existed.

'But why did that happen in the first place?'

Aron was confused about the whole thing; for some reason, he just lost control of his emotions and almost killed two guards. Killing them would only cause problems, but it's not like he cared at all.

[Hatred. The trigger was 'hatred.' When you saw those humans, hatred consumed you] the system responded.

'So I hate humans? Why?' Aron wondered for a bit, and the only thing he found was, 'Maybe they did something to me in the past?'

The more he thought about it, the more lost and confused he became, and a headache started to form. Aron did what he does best in these situations: he tossed it behind his back and completely ignored it. Suddenly, he remembered something important.

'Hey, System, you've been quiet for some time, and here I thought I managed to get rid of you,' Aron spoke in his mind. He had noticed that the system had some sort of personality, or rather, two of them. So he decided to tease it a little.

[Master~....*Hey! little brat, you stuck with me to the end of time or until you die...In fact, why don't you just die?*...]

"Pfft.. HAHAHA~" Aron laughed out loud inside his mind. He really liked this alternate personality of the system.

[Master, I am currently analyzing your entire body on a deeper level, so I must focus solely on it. I interfered this time because it was an emergency. I apologize beforehand, and I'll go silent for some time], the system explained.

Aron raised his eyebrow. 'Did you find anything?' he asked curiously.

[Yes, please be patient until I finish analyzing...* 'Yes! Yes! You fool, leave me to do my job in peace... Sho sho*...]

Aron chuckled inside his mind. He was eager to know but gave the system its time.

"A-Aron~" Raum's voice brought him out of his thoughts. The little raven looked truly worried about him.

Aron displayed a gentle smile and gently scratched Raum's feathers under his beak with his fingers. Raum calmed down instantly under the soothing touch.

"No need to worry about it, buddy," Aron reassured. "Now, where can we sell the cores?" he asked.

Raum didn't answer immediately, enjoying the most out of that gentle touch. It worked like magic, calming him and making him forget about the rest of the world. It was only when Aron stopped his touch that the raven snapped out of his state. He pouted, wanting more but managing to hold himself.

"We should sell them at the guilds. There are two guilds: the Adventure Guild and the Mercenary Guild. I suggest selling them at the Mercenary Guild," Raum suggested.

Aron raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with the Adventure Guild?" he asked.

Raum tilted his head slightly, recalling something. "I don't know, I just saw a man one time complaining outside the Adventure Guild about how they paid him less for his cores. So, I thought it would be better to avoid them altogether."

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