Chapter 08: Give Me More!!!

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Aron's screams of frustration echoed through the air as he found himself trapped within the raging bonfire. Mocking words from the system added insult to injury.

[...*Pffff, after all that big talk, you end up like this pathetic weakling*.... SLAP!....My apologies Master]

Embarrassment washed over Aron as he recalled his earlier 'Tough talk'. He had boasted confidently, only to get the beating of his life that drove him to this near-death state. Still, he snapped back, unable to tolerate the system's taunts.

"Shut up! I had everything under control. I didn't expect him to possess such power."[Master, a true warrior never underestimates his opponent and always expects the worst outcome, considering every possibility.] The system's words resonated with newfound wisdom.

Aron took the advice to heart, reflecting on his fight from a different perspective. He realized there were numerous possibilities to win if he had chosen a different approach. Lost in thought, Aron completely forgot about being inside the giant bonfire until the crackling fire jolted him back to reality.

"Hey! I'm not taking any damage... Is this a joke? What's going on?"

Expecting the fire to scorch his skin and leave him screaming in pain or running naked and ablaze, Aron's face flushed at the thought.

'Well, wouldn't that make for an interesting scene?'

Instead, he felt comfort and warmth within the fire, as if he belonged there. The sensation was so calming that he hesitated to step out, fearing the loss of this comforting feeling. Suddenly, multiple notifications appeared.


[Racial passive detected]

[Passive: Immune to fire]

Aron's smile widened as he read the notifications. Being immune to fire gave him a tremendous advantage. But then another notification popped up, shocking him.

[Your body is reacting to the fire. Absorbing the mana around you.]

Aron pondered for a moment, recalling his skill, "Mana Manipulation."

Eyes closed, he delved into the sensation of his own mana, remembering it from the time he opened the cage. Surprisingly, he could effortlessly perceive and feel the dark-red mana residing at the core of his chest. What's more, a bright-yellow mana, the essence of fire, surrounded him, enveloping his entire body. The mana reacted in a way that led Aron to believe it was seeking his permission to enter his being.

"I welcome you"

Immediately, Aron's dark-red mana started spreading outside of him and connecting to the mana of the fire, pulling it inside him. The moment the bright-yellow mana entered inside him. His body swiftly began healing, with bones aligning and every crack and shattered fragment returning to their rightful place. All of his wounds and cuts closed as if they had never existed. To Aron, it was as if time itself had rewound before his injuries.

[Your skill "Mana Manipulation" has leveled up]

Suddenly, Aron's dark-red mana started gathering around his fists and feet. A wicked grin carved its way onto his lips as his eyes burned even brighter.

Outside of the bonfire, the red goblin turned his back and made his way to his fellow goblins, who shouted and cheered for his victory. Halfway through, the red goblin froze in his place. His eyes widened as he felt a chill down his spine.

He could sense a dark and sinister aura looming behind him. The moment he turned his head to investigate, all he could see was a heavy fist burning with dark-red energy around it, making its way directly to his face. The impact was so hard that it sent him flying in the air before slamming into the wall a few meters away, taking a few goblins with him as they were crushed by his weight.

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