Chapter 13: Larton town

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Larton Town is a bustling metropolis nestled on the border of the Great Forest, with a magnificent river flowing through its heart, dividing the town in two, and a plethora of offerings that catered to every imaginable need.

Its main strength comes from its unique status as a neutral ground. Unlike other territories controlled by kingdoms or empires, Larton remained unclaimed due to its strategic location and the presence of various factions surrounding it. Moreover, almost all trade routes, merchants, and caravans must go through it, making it a hub and a prize for all.

Everyone feared the possibility of the town falling into their opponents' hands. No one would accept it, so as a last resort and to maintain peace, an agreement was reached that allowed everyone to profit from the town's prosperity. But that didn't stop the powerhouses from playing behind the scenes.

Larton Town, or rather Larton City, considering its massive size and population – 'Town' is just a name that is stuck on everyone's tongues – is truly a melting pot of races and cultures. It welcomes all with open arms, embracing diversity like no other.

"Ugh," groaned a guard stationed at the north gate, stretching his tired body. "What a boring day this is..."

His fellow guard narrowed his eyes and promptly slapped him on the back of his head.

"Fool! If the guards are lazy and the days are boring, that means we're at peace. You should be grateful," he scolded.

The lazy guard rubbed the spot where he had been smacked and scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But don't you ever wish for something exciting? Going on adventures, slaying monsters, and getting rich? That sort of thing... Standing in the same spot all day gets old, you know? Sometimes I envy those adventurers and mercenaries."

His companion rolled his eyes; he didn't like what his friend was saying, but deep down, he too felt the same way. Two years ago, he wanted to go out and have his own adventures, but fate decided the opposite.

On a bandit raid, he took an arrow in the knee. With not many options left, he joined the town guards, and since that day he has stuck with this post. Nevertheless, the fire for adventure still burned within him; he wanted to go out but was always hesitating.

"Hey, did you hear?" the lazy guard suddenly spoke, snapping his friend out of his thoughts.

"What?" his friend responded after a moment.

"A few days ago, a caravan got ambushed by goblins."

"Oh, yes, I remember hearing about it. The goblins have been growing bolder lately."

The lazy guard approached his friend, excitement dancing in his eyes. He placed his arm on his friend's shoulder, a greedy smile forming on his face.

"Why don't we track and hunt them down? I bet they stole all the goods, and you know the value of those goods. What say you? Me, you, and two more, hunt the goblins, split the loot, and we can say goodbye to this shit job."

The other guard's eyes sparkled for a moment, captivated by the idea, but he quickly shook his head, slapping his friend's arm off his shoulder. He cast a cold gaze upon him.

"If we get caught, losing our job will be the least of our worries. You probably don't know this, but let me enlighten you. Every merchant in this town has powerful allies backing them up."

The lazy guard furrowed his brow and asked, "What do you mean?"

"There are influential figures running this town behind the scenes, not those you see in the council. They have their claws in everything, especially the merchants. And they won't hesitate to do anything to anyone. Remember what happened last year?"

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