Chapter 06: Stealth approach?

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Not much time had passed since Aron slew the goblin and consumed its core. The surge of energy and the feeling of growing stronger left Aron craving for more.

Currently, he stood at the end of a path, gazing at what appeared to be the aftermath of a celebration. The inside is a huge cave where a dozen holes in the walls can be seen.

These holes are used by goblins as resting places. Aron spotted many goblins sleeping in these holes; in fact, he can see about thirty or more goblins in total. Most of them were either sleeping in the holes or in the center of the cave, surrounding a giant fireplace.

The smell of burnt meat, open barrels, scattered wooden cups, and the presence of cuts and bruises on many goblins indicated that they had been engaged in some sort of celebration. They ate, drank, and fought among themselves until they passed out.

Raum commented on the scene. "See those barrels? They looted them from my caravan. It contains a really strong beer. These stupid goblins drank themselves into a stupor. Alcohol has a negative effect on them, but they can't help themselves to good beer."

Aron realized 'So that's why that goblin was in that weak condition, and if they are all in the same condition then...Heheh~' Aron smiled wickedly as he observed the drunken goblins.

"I don't like this smile" Raum expressed his concern

Aron chuckled at Raum's comment and replied, "If they are too drunk to fight, then this is my chance to pick them off one by one."

Raum quickly asked, "You don't mean...?"

"Yes, I'm going to murder every goblin in this damn cave." Aron confirmed.

Raum turned his head to gaze at the goblins, remembering the suffering they had caused him. This time, it was Raum who smiled wickedly, appreciating Aron's idea.


Aron nodded silently. He and Raum started sneaking behind the sleeping goblins, heading towards the closest hole in the wall.

Aron found a goblin sleeping on the ground inside the hole, facing upward. He approached cautiously, drawing his knife.

Aron needed to kill the goblin with one swift strike without making a sound. With a swift movement, he used one hand to cover the goblin's mouth, preventing it from screaming and alerting the entire place. He swiftly slit the goblin's throat, making a clean cut. The goblin found itself bleeding to death within seconds. Aron maintained his grip on the goblin, covering its mouth to restrain any movement. It took a few seconds for the goblin to go back to sleep, but this time it was an eternal sleep.

[You have killed: Goblin]

[+20 XP]

'One down!' Aron smiled 'But, That was easy?'

He chose to leave extracting the core for later, until he cleared the cave and secured it. After that, he could take as much time as he needed. Extracting the core was a simple process, but for a large number of monsters, it would take hours, if not a whole day.

Aron was fortunate enough to slay two more goblins in the same manner, earning enough XP to level up. As soon as he leveled up, he felt all the wounds on his body heal, and his exhaustion disappeared. He quickly checked the system messages to confirm this.

[Level up]

[+2 Attribute Points]

'Attribute points?... Hmmm... System, how can I use them?' Aron inquired.

[Master, attribute points are a great way to boost your status and become stronger. You can allocate them to strength, stamina, or agility. I recommend putting one point in Strength and one in Stamina for now.]

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