Chapter 12 My friend

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Raum brought Aron good news of a nearby lake, and without wasting a moment, Aron urged Raum to show him the way. The stench of blood and grime on his body had become unbearable, and he longed for some relaxation.

Minutes later, Aron found himself standing before a breathtakingly beautiful blue lake. The expanse of the lake was substantial, surrounded by towering trees that appeared healthier and grander than any he had seen before.

Two small rivers merged into the lake, one originating from the mountain's peak, likely the source of the water, and the other cutting through the forest on the opposite side. The atmosphere around the lake exuded an air of peace and tranquility. Aron took a moment to relish in the sight, allowing himself a brief respite from his troubles.

"What a beautiful place, calm and peaceful"

He found himself enchanted by the place, even contemplating the idea of living here someday, in a cozy wooden cabin by the lake or nestled within the embrace of the forest.

'Ahhhh~... Not a bad idea. Maybe one day....NO! I've decided I will build one in the future,' Aron declared.

Lost in his thoughts, making a dreamy and happy face until a certain filthy smell sneaked into his nose. The smell brought him instantly back to the land of the awakened. His dreamy smile quickly transformed into a grimace of disgust.

'Damn! Reality sucks.'

Aron gazed at the lake for a few seconds, nodding to himself with determination. He swiftly discarded his armor, weapons, and even his leather pants. He was... well!... like the way he came to this world.

Turning to Raum with a mischievous smile, he exclaimed, "Shall we?"

Raum, now facing Aron, understood his intentions and shook his head. "N-No, I'm good. You can go ahead. I don't particularly enjoy water."

Aron's smile grew wider upon hearing Raum's response. With nimble steps, he stealthily approached Raum and swiftly scooped him up, securing the raven in a firm grip against his chest.

"!!!" Raum was taken aback, momentarily unable to react to Aron's sudden movement. Before he could protest, he realized they were hurtling toward the lake at an alarming speed.

"Let's gooo~!" Aron raised his free hand and shouted, sprinting full speed towards the lake, clutching the black raven... well! pale raven now.

'Wait!! Not that way! I'm getting closer to the lake,' he screamed in his mind.

"NOO!! STOP, ARO~" Raum's plea was cut short as Aron leaped high into the air. The jump was higher than what normal people can do, and that's because Aron naturally used some of his mana to strengthen his legs, and he didn't even notice.


The result was a tremendous splash in the middle of the lake, causing waves to ripple out in all directions.

"HAHAHAHA~... that was good. Hey! Wanna do it again?" Aron asked, his face brimming with excitement as he turned to Raum, only to find the raven giving him a piercing glare.

"You idiot! Why did you do that? I told you I don't like water," Raum scolded, his anger evident.

Aron continued to laugh, finding Raum's angry expression priceless. Raum's face turned as red as a tomato, with steam practically emanating from his feathers due to anger. Aron, in an attempt to calm the raven, splashed some water on his face before patting his head and offering a gentle smile.

"HAHA~... My little friend, calm down and relax. Just enjoy this beautiful sight for a bit."

"!!!" The gentle touch and warm smile instantly quelled Raum's anger. In truth, he wasn't angry; the water had triggered some unpleasant memories he wished to forget. And for some reason, ever since Aron had shown anger upon learning about Raum's captivity, the raven had chosen to trust him.

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