Chapter 11: Out of the cave

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"Well, this is an unusual goblin!" Raum exclaimed as he gazed at the goblin lying motionless on the ground. Aron had suddenly appeared out of thin air behind the goblin, and with a single fluid motion, he snapped the goblin's neck with ease.

What struck Raum as strange was that the goblin wielded a spear. Yes, a small one, but goblins usually preferred knives and clubs, and they surely never put anything above their heads.

"Strange or not, a core is inside him, and I want it," Aron declared.

He cared little for the goblin's fate, focusing solely on obtaining the core. Right now, all he wanted was to get out of this cave, grow stronger as quickly as possible, uncover leads about his race, and find a way to recover his memory.

Removing the core from the strange goblin and from the other one, which he found to be already dead, Aron stood up and turned to Raum.

"Let's get the hell out of here. I can't stand another minute in this place."


After a few hours, they reached the mouth of the cave, finally catching sight of sunlight. Stepping out, the brilliance temporarily blinded them, having spent so long in the cave's darkness.

Soon enough, Aron's vision adjusted, and he marveled at the sight before him. Towering green trees reached for the sky, their branches thick and sturdy. Leaves larger than a grown man adorned some trees, while strange and curious plants grew abundantly, lending the place a vibrant and lively ambiance.

And not forgetting the air, as Aron took a deep breath, the fresh air filled his lungs, momentarily causing him to cough. It was as if the air itself was cleansing away the dust and grime. Aron and Raum both enjoyed the warm sunlight and the refreshing air, looking at a lovely green forest beating with life.

"Ahhhhh... free at last! I missed the sun and the fresh air!" Raum exclaimed, voicing his thoughts aloud. One couldn't blame the poor raven; he had been stuck in the cave for days. Aron smiled and patted the raven's head, enjoying the serene view and the brief respite before an unpleasant smell invaded his senses.

Sniff. Sniff.

Sniffing the air, he realized the stench was coming from himself, the scent of blood lingering on his body. Now that the air around him is clean

"I need to wash this blood off, Raum. Is there a nearby lake or river?" Aron inquired.

"Mmm... maybe. I can go take a look if you want."

"Alright, I'll stay here and explore for a bit. Be careful," Aron cautioned.

Raum felt a warm feeling inside him upon hearing those words. It was the first time someone had expressed concern for him. Nodding, he swiftly took flight, soaring through the sky.

Aron watched the little raven fly and couldn't help but smile. He suspected that Raum had rarely interacted with others, but he decided not to bring it up. He didn't want to hurt the raven's feelings.

Stretching his body, Aron's bones cracked as he reveled in the beauty of nature. However, as he had anticipated, nothing lasts forever. To his right, beyond the bushes, he heard the growl of something menacing.


Aron pretended to ignore it, standing his ground. Moments passed, yet nothing happened.

Through his heightened senses, Aron sensed that the creature wanted to pounce on him but was waiting for the perfect opportunity. The creature remained hidden in the darkness, unaware that its prey could sense its presence, which is impossible for a human, but Aron is not a human. He's a dragon, and a dragon's eyes and ears are above what a mere human has, even if Aron hadn't fully realized his abilities.

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