Chapter 09: Just like me (1)

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Blood, screams, burnt flesh, and ash—flames consumed all as a figure of a man stood there, gazing at the scene with a twisted grin of satisfaction on his face.

None escaped the flames. The inferno showed no mercy, leaving no goblin to tell the tale. Only the voice of silence could be heard. The man stood in the middle of it all, breathing heavily, before collapsing to the ground. depleted of energy.

Seeing his friend fall to the ground, Raum rushed to him, worry etched across his raven features. He poked his cheek, urging him to wake up.

"Aron! Are you alright? Don't you dare die on me!"

Aron slowly opened his eyes,a mischievous smile spreading across his face.

"Oh!... Raum... Never have I felt more alive," he said, pausing to catch his breath.

"Slaughtering them all felt so damn good. Don't you agree?"

Relief washed over Raum as he nodded in agreement. "Well, at least you avenged me a bit. So, yes," Raum paused before asking, "Can you move?"

Aron shook his head. "Not yet. I need some time to rest and regain my power."

"Alright, I'll go search for the equipment. I don't remember the exact location, but it's around here somewhere"

Raum didn't wait for a response before flying away, searching for the weapons and armor.

Aron, on the other hand, took this opportunity to check the system notifications one by one. Two level-up notifications greeted him, one from completing the quest and the other from the goblin kills. That brought him to level 4, with an amount of XP close to level 5. From the system notification, Aron noted that he killed 30 goblins, with each goblin giving just 20 XP

"sigh!..too low for the amount of work I have done"

Nonetheless, he put the thought aside, determined to find more challenging foes or, if he was lucky, a quest with an instant level-up reward. He also received four attribute points for leveling up. Aron decided to follow the system's earlier advice and, frankly, felt that a balance of strength and stamina would suit him best. So, he put two points in strength and two in stamina.

The effects were immediate. Aron's skin hardened, his muscles bulging with newfound strength. He flexed his fists, feeling a surge of power coursing through him. As for stamina, Aron was surprised to be able to move and flip his body to lie on his back.

The effect of the beating he took from the goblin champion was no joke, and it seemed the rapid healing of his wounds and bones took a toll on his health. However, Aron was relieved. He could feel with each passing second that his body was becoming lighter and the pain was diminishing little by little.

Remembering the fire, Aron eagerly examined his new skill. For him, the skill proved to be effective against multiple enemies.


[Skill: Fire Legacy: "Betrayed, deceived, imprisoned, The king's last wish was to see the world on fire"

Able to bend fire to your will. The skill will consume mana each second, and the amount of fire and mana depends on user level.]


"Controlling fire is a great thing, depending on how I use it," he paused, rubbing his chin. "But the mana consumption is no joke,"

Aron lay on the ground, resting, his mind consumed by thoughts of his own limitations. The burnt corpses of the small goblins surrounding him served as a stark reminder of his recent struggles.

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