Chapter 10: Just like me (2)

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"Fine, fine. I must protect my delicate eyes from your abomination, after all."

"..." a vein popped in Aron's head. He resisted the urge to hammer a fist into Raven's head. Not long ago, Raum had been begging for salvation, and now he was making fun of his savior. Aron decided to ignore him for the moment, focusing on the task at hand.

Using the ragged cover, Aron wiped the goblin blood from his skin. He had been drenched in the foul substance from head to toe, and with no water nearby, he had to settle for a makeshift cleaning. Although far from clean, at least he would feel a bit more comfortable under the armor.

First things first, the most important piece: the leather pants...Of course! Aron swiftly slipped into the leather pants, eager to get properly suited up. As soon as he wore them, Raum turned to face him, He still had that sly smile on his face. Although smiles weren't exactly discernible on a bird's visage, Aron somehow knew the emotion Raum was conveying. Choosing to disregard it, he continued the process of wearing his armor.

The chestplate was next, followed by the heavy iron boots.Aron noticed a small problem with the right-hand gauntlet: the metal piece wasn't holding in place securely. Thankfully, the scattered piles of armor provided an abundance of leather strips and belts. Aron easily solved the issue by taking some strips and expertly wrapping them around the gauntlet, ensuring everything stayed in place.

"The right arm is done. Now, about my left,"

refusing to leave any part of his body vulnerable. He picked up a gauntlet from the scattered equipment; its leather was in good condition, save for a metal guard marked with sharp teeth or claws, rendering it unusable. Aron carefully tore the damaged piece apart, separating the leather from the metal. He then wore the now "leather gauntlet" and reinforced it with multiple strips, ensuring its strength. Lastly, he secured the steel shoulder piece.

With the armor in place, Aron reached for a few more belts and used them to secure the two great weapons on his back. Finally, he draped the gray cloak over his shoulders, adding an air of mystery to his appearance.

Surveying the remaining pile of weapons, Aron selected a decent knife. While his primary weapons were the two great weapons on his back, the knife served a practical purpose, extracting magic cores from monsters.

After all, it would be absurd to wield massive weapons for such a task. The mace is also good for smashing things, so he kept it, fixing it to one side and the knife to the other, ensuring he had the necessary tools for every job.

As Aron busied himself with his gear, Raum took the opportunity to explore the room, returning with a bag in tow. He eagerly approached Aron, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"Aron, is this useful?" Raum inquired, holding up the bag.

Aron turned his head, catching sight of the bag. A smile formed on his face, and he gently patted Raum's head.

"Yes, indeed. This will come in handy. Thank you."

"!!!" The unexpected gesture took Raum by surprise. He never received this kind of smile from anyone, not to mention the gentle touch. He looked away, avoiding Aron's eyes. and fought back tears that threatened to well up within him.

"What now?" he managed to ask, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

Aron grasped the bag, his expression resolute. "Now, we collect the magic cores from the corpses and get the hell out of here."

Raum nodded in approval, eager to leave the oppressive atmosphere of the cave behind. He had no desire to spend any more time in this wretched place.

Together, the man and the raven made their way to the center of the cave, leaving the storage room behind. Stepping into the open, they were immediately assaulted by the noxious stench of burnt flesh. The smell had intensified within the confined space, making it unbearable for any creature with a discernible sense of smell.

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