Chapter 07: Dare Oppose me?

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A duel of warriors was about to unfold. On one side stood a pale-green humanoid monster with bright yellow eyes and a big scar on his face. He wielded a one-handed iron mace, ready to strike.

On the other side stood a tall man with long black hair and flaming crimson eyes. Many scars adorned his body, bearing witness to his numerous battles. Unfortunately, unlike his opponent, he wielded only a small, rusty knife, far from ideal for this fight or any other.

The pale-green goblin made the first move, dashing towards Aron with astonishing speed. His strong legs allowed him to close the gap in an instant as he swung his iron mace from the side, aiming for Aron's head. Caught off guard, Aron was surprised; he realized he had underestimated the goblin's speed and the sheer force behind his strike.

This level of speed and strength made Aron second-guess this fight. However, a burning sensation ignited within him—a thrill for battle, the taste of bloodlust, the glorious victory. Aron was like a child eagerly awaiting his birthday presents.

Reacting swiftly, Aron leaned his body forward to avoid the strike, allowing the mace to pass harmlessly above him. He used his knife to stab the goblin in the waist, but it wasn't enough. Determined, Aron pushed the knife to the side with all his strength,

Aron managed to surprise everyone, including the pale-green goblin, who saw a big cut on his side. A pained scream escaped his lips. With his free arm, the goblin attempted to punch Aron, but once again, Aron dodged the attack by leaning further and moving to the right, simultaneously stabbing the goblin's right shoulder.

Even Aron was surprised by his own agility and the precision of his moves. and his ability to secure two stabs on the big goblin. Aron instinctively knew what to do and how to do it. Not letting this chance go to waste, Aron pulled out his knife, intending to strike the goblin once more. He aimed for the back of the goblin's neck.

The big goblin saw the knife heading to his back neck, knowing that a hit in that spot could incapacitate him. However, the goblin, a seasoned leader, had survived countless battles and possessed great experience against different opponents. He swiftly struck Aron's chest with his elbow, pushing him back, and followed it up with a heavy kick from his right foot, slamming Aron to the ground.

[-10 HP]

"Cough...That was a great move!"

Aron coughed up blood; the impact of the hits clearly damaged his chest. However, the pain quickly transformed into a surge of power, thanks to his "Wrath" skill. The pain became fuel, empowering Aron.

He was thrilled by his newfound abilities, but his smile vanished as he witnessed the goblin's wounds healing at an extraordinary rate. The stab in his shoulder had already healed, and the large cut on his waist was in the process of closing, leaving behind a prominent scar.

Aron cursed his luck. "Damn, this is bad. I'll probably tire before him. In that case, it's game over for me... I need a plan."

Aron racked his brain, searching for a way to defeat the goblin, but that regeneration ability would surely get in the way.

'The head, I need to take his head off, no head, no healing, simple and effective plan'

With determination, Aron dashed towards the goblin, aiming for his eyes. If he could at least blind him, just for a short time, then he could attempt to chop off his head.

The goblin stood, waiting for Aron to get closer. Aron suspects something is off. He thought this was probably the drawback of super healing, but he took his chances nonetheless.

As Aron closed in, he clenched his fist, preparing for a powerful strike to the pale-green goblin's eye. Suddenly, the goblin opened his mouth and emitted a mighty roar that froze Aron in his tracks.

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