Chapter 15: Guild, beauty and broken legs (2)

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"I'll join,"


"S-sorry?" Cila was momentarily taken aback, a mix of confusion and surprise evident on her face.

"I said I'll join your guild," Aron smiled, reaffirming his decision.

Cila felt a surge of happiness upon hearing his words, and her lips moved against her will. "But why? You could have more if you joined the adventurers."

'...Fool, what am I saying? We haven't had a new member in a whole month, and here I am suggesting our rivals... Damn it... P-please don't go away...'

Leaning against the wooden counter, Aron stared into Cila's emerald eyes.

"I don't like chains, and I don't enjoy working with people who see others as mere tools." The mere thought of signing a restrictive contract and limiting his movements made his heart reject the idea. After all, he's going to slaughter a few bad people who are responsible for Raum's capture.

Cila's eyes widened slightly, and a small smile appeared on her face as she bowed her head in response.

"I see. Then allow me to welcome you to the Mercenary Guild." She reached under the counter and retrieved a small bronze card, which she explained further.

"Our ranking system is quite simple. It starts with bronze, followed by Iron, Silver, Gold, and finally Mithril. Depending on the number and rank of quests completed, as well as your performance, you can rank up."

Aron nodded approvingly. "An easy and fair system."

Cila nodded, offering further explanation. "Because our guild resources are limited, we save most of them for high-tier members. That's why we encourage new members to rank up. New members must complete three quests, two of their choice, and the last one given by the guild as a test to rank up to the Iron tier and assess their performance and personality."

"This is your card; you start in bronze. You have two months to finish two quests of your choosing. After that, the guild will assign you a final quest. The card fee is five silver coins, but if you don't have the coins, you can sell your cores, and I'll cut the fee."

"Sure," Aron replied, handing her his bag. "Inside, you'll find 10 goblin cores and 3 gray wolf cores."

During his journey to the town, Aron encountered three goblins. With a single swing of his black greataxe, he cleaved them all in half. He also ambushed two wolves he found by the riverside. One died instantly with a single blow, and the other put up a slippery fight. But Aron found out that he could control the greataxe far better than the greatsword. Expertly utilizing the greataxe, he delivered a precise strike that cleaved the other wolf in two. Aron was pleased to have acquired two formidable weapons.

Cila took the bag and disappeared into a room behind her. Aron watched her until she was out of sight, noticing a few hateful eyes watching him from the back, mostly men, and looks of desire from the women. Honestly, he paid no mind to it, focusing instead on what's important: HUNGER.

'I'm so damn hungry. Lady, please give me my money quickly... No, Aron, you must make a good impression. These people will be potential trading partners, and more coins mean more food. But I'm HUNGRY...'

Aron continued his internal monologue, speaking rapidly to himself. If anyone overheard him, they would surely think he was crazy.

After a short while, Cila returned with a small bag of coins and a bronze card bearing Aron's name.

"Ten basic goblin cores, two silver coins each, and three basic gray wolf cores, ten coins each. Taking five silver coins as a fee; inside the bag, you'll find 45 silver coins," she informed him, handing over the bag and the bronze card.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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