Chapter 04: Raum

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Hours of walking and exploring led the nameless man to a black door; this door was crafted from the same dark-stone material as the previous one.

At first, he thought he had circled back to the same door he used to escape the cave collapse. However, he quickly realized that wasn't the case. Mainly because this door was smaller and had scratches on it. Although the scratches didn't do much damage and barely left a mark. Nonetheless, they were claw marks, which instantly put the nameless man on alert.

He hadn't crossed any monsters on his way here except for that green monster, which he squashed like a bug. Nevertheless, the idea of monsters lurking out there made the man spend a few minutes on guard against any potential sneak attacks.

Minutes passed, and nothing happened. The man sighed heavily, calming his nerves. He turned toward the door and placed both of his hands on it.

"System, Can you open this door as well?"


[Lock combination detected, attempting to unlock]

[Door unlocked, Magic circle activated]

As the last message appeared, a circle of shadows appeared in the middle of the door.

The man sighed and prepared himself for any monsters that might attack him as soon as he passed through the portal. When the nameless man passed through the portal, he raised his club, ready to strike at any moment.

As he examined his surroundings, confusion washed over him. The place was a large room with a desk, bed, and bookshelf on one side and piles of books, chairs, and some unfamiliar metal items on the other side.

Everything was in terrible shape; the entire place and everything inside it had been burned. The books were in such rough shape that even a gentle breath could turn them to ash. The desk, bookshelf, and bed were no longer of any use; they had rotted away.

The only thing still somewhat usable was a mirror in the corner. When the man stood in front of it, he saw his reflection for the first time since awakening.

He was tall and muscular, with pale skin and scars all over his body. He had straight black hair that reached his shoulders and black eyes.

A grin formed on his lips as he gazed at his face. He couldn't quite explain it, but he knew he was a good-looking man. He expressed his thoughts aloud.

"To whom does this handsome face belong?"

[Master, I must admit you're exceptionally ... *horse shit*... handsome] The system comment

This made the man's smile widen, but then he immediately frowned. By now, he wasn't sure which of these two voices belonged to the real system or which one to believe. Since one complimented him while the other made fun of him, he ignored their comments and simply examined the rest of his body.

The number of scars covering him made the nameless man wonder about the life he had in the past. His thoughts were interrupted when he realized something he had failed to notice before —he was completely naked.

Embarrassment flooded through him as he recalled all that had happened so far and the fact that he went through it while being naked like a wild animal.

"Damn! This is so embarrassing; how did I fail to see?" The nameless man asked himself. He was so embarrassed that now his face is red like a tomato.

Suddenly, a voice spoke out of nowhere, causing the man to jump and immediately assume a fighting stance.

"Hey you! Over here," the voice spoke.

The man's eyes quickly scanned the room, seeking the source of the voice, as he clenched his fist around the grip of his spiked club.

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