Chapter 50

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Precilla in the Media! Mama P!

Same day.

:::Lia's POV:::

"Dad I'm getting worse." I sighed as we watched myself in that hospital bed. It seems like everyday since I've been in a coma, I get two times worse. Everyday I would watch as friends and family come and talk to me, wishing that I'd wake up. Everyday I hear them calling for me to wake up and I only wish it was that simple to actually do.

I watched from above while Malachi talked to me. He held my hand and said the most sweetest things. All of a sudden, I feel a tug at my arm. I look down and see a little girl with blue eyes. I've seen this girl a picture. A picture that Malachi was looking at.

"Hi I'm Melody." She waved before hugging my legs. She reminded me so much of Harmony.

"Hi Melody. My name is Lia." I hugged her back.

"Guess what." She said, while tapping me.

"What?" I asked. She started giggling.

"That's my daddy that's talking to you." She grinned with a wide smile. I looked at her shocked.

"That's your daddy?" I asked. She nodded with a giggle.

"He's so nice! I miss him sooooooo much," she said while watching him and smiling. "I protect him all the time and I watch over him. He almost got into a car crash today but I made sure he didn't because I'm an angel just like you so I protected him." She said with a heart warming smile. She was so beautiful and sweet!

"Wow." Was all I could say as she clung to my legs. I didn't want to ask her how she died or anything because it could be a touching topic for her.

"Well she isn't an angel yet little Melody." My dad appears. Im still amazed just getting to see him. We've been getting to know each other a lot ever since I walked through the gates of heaven. I could see why mom fell in love with him.

"What do you mean?" I asked my dad. At that point, little Melody vanished out of now where.

"Jalia you are in the stage before death where you're not dead yet but your aren't necessarily alive. You see, some of us aren't as fortunate as you to get this chance. You won't become an angel because you arent supposed to be here just yet and I can feel that. Until you've proven that you shouldn't be here, you will stay and keep trying, eventually you will slip away from the real world, which means you passed away Here is the thing. You decide whether or not you are gonna leave or not." He said. I was a little confused.

"I'm ready to leave now dad. I have a family and kids to take care of and....I'm in love." I mumbled the last part. He nodded and grabbed my hands, making me focus on him.

"Then leave Jalia." He said simply with a smile.

"How dad? Is there like a door or something that I need to walk out of or...." I was so confused.

"Its an internal fight my love. Either you win or you loose. Everyday you seem to be getting worse, which means you are closer and closer to dying. The question is, are you gonna live or die Jalia.

:::Xander's POV:::

"You know she finna get her ass beat right." Boris said as we sped down the street with Serene in the car with us.

"Knowing Stella the way I do, Natalia better pray Stella don't kill her ass." I said as I pulled into the school. Boris told me Natalia comes here on Saturdays to get extra work done. Just as we suspected, multiple cars were here. When we walked in a dude walked out.

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