Chapter 19

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:::Recap of Last Chapter (Sedric's Pov):::

I just kissed Lia and she kissed me back.

I thought about that for a second. What in the actual fuck would I do that for. There I go thinking with the head down there instead of the one with the brain in it. The weird thing is that I actually kinda liked it.

~Present Day~

:::Lia's Pov:::

I'm just arriving at the hospital with a guilty conscience right now. How could I do that to my boyfriend and sister? At times like this I come to Xander for help because he always knows what to do.

I stepped onto the elevator to our floor. Surprisingly there were only five people admitted from our gang as of today. New record!

Passing room by room, I finally got to Xanders room. I went straight in!

"Hey brother, I need to talk to you." I told him. He looked worried.

"Aye Lia what's wrong." he asked while getting up and walking over to me.

"Let's go outside and walk for a bit." I suggested. He shook his head yeah and we walked to the park in the back of the hospital, made for patients that like to go outside and relax.

"Should I get straight to the point or do you want to know the whole story?" I asked.

"It's your news. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing." he replied. Here it goes.

"I guess I'll just come right out and say it. Sedric and I kissed less than twenty minutes ago and I don't know what to do. I might lose my boyfriend and my sister and right now I just don't know what to do." I told him. He stared at me for a while before speaking.

"Lia what the fuck would ya'll do that for. Ugh the drama." he groaned before signaling for me to wait I guess while he thought of what to say.

"Ok what are ya'll two gonna do about it. Are ya'll gonna tell Zone and Ro or.......?" he asked.

"I don't know that's what I'm asking you. I feel like a slut for kissing him right now." Xander laughed.

"My bad sis, it's just I would have never seen that coming. In my opinion I think you should go ahead and tell them now. I know you be reading them books and watching dem movies where the person cheat on the boyfriend of girlfriend and don't tell them. You know it would eventually come around and bite you in the ass because Karma is a mother fucking bitch. I'm not trying to tell you what to do and all but from personal experience, I say that you go ahead and tell them. You should probably tell them tomorrow though because if you taking my daughter over there I don't want her around all that drama and possible fighting." he said. He is right about telling them because I know I would be pissed if that was my situation.

"You right but what if they don't forgive us and Zone breaks up with me and Ro hates me. Oh gosh what if me and Zone break up and have to co-parent with Harmony." I started to think out loud. I laid my head down on Xanders lap and put my feet up on the bench we were sitting on as he stroked my hair.

"Lia honestly you are thinking about it too much. Ya'll females know ya'll do that all the time. It was a kiss that you regret and I'm sure Sedric does too. I could understand them being that mad if ya'll took it to the next level and ended up having sex but that didn't happen did it?"

"No" I replied.

"So what is there to be worried about. You and Ro have been best friends since day one and if she gets that mad to the point where she would end your friendship over a harmless kiss, then just say fuck it and find a new friend. And if Zone breaks up with you over something like that then I will personally shoot his ass for not trying to work it out." he played with my hair.

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