Chapter 17: Rainbow Dash Vs Starscream

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Third POV

After Mei quickly pressed the play button, the next video played out.

"These fighters are master of skies and are the both the best, yet arrogant, at what they do." Wiz began.

"Are we really doing this?" Boomstick asked begrudgingly.

"My thoughts exactly!" Bakugou yelled out.

"Yes." Wizard answered. "Yes we are."

"Alright." Boomstick sighed. "Well first up is Starscream, from the G1 Decepticons."

"And Rainbow Dash of the G4 Pegasus Ponies." Wizard introduced the second fighter.

"I still can't believe that a cool robot dude is going to be fighting a pony with wings and horn." Kaminari sighed.

"Okay, dude for the last time, there is no horn on that pony." Sero said. "You are confusing things with the rainbow hair."

"Nuh uh, I clearly saw a horn." Kaminari argued back. "Its not like that winged pony thing suddenly changed appearances."

"He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick." Boomstick said.

"And its our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!" Wiz finished the intro.

The first fighter was a large humanoid-looking robot. This robot had the structure of a rectangular human mixed in with the features of a jet, with white and red wings on its back, two white blasters on its shoulder, and red engines on top of its shoulders. Its arms were white by the shoulders and blue down the elbow, its legs were white, with blue rectangular feet, and blue markings on the front of its ankles, its waist red and boxy, and its chest white and red with a yellow cockpit in its center. Its head was a black cube with bumpy features on the top and sides of its chin, complete with human like features for a face, aside from the ruby red lens for eyes. It also had a brand on its body, the brand purple and looked like a robotic face with two pointed horns sticking out.

The group's reaction to the large robot were mostly with intrigue, amazement, and excitement. The heroes frowned, sensing that the large robotic being was not a friendly one, given the devious squint in its eyes and its stereotypical, maniacal, Villainous laugh. The guys looked excited on the appearance of the large robot. The ones most excited being Kouta, who's eyes were filled with child-like excitement, Bakugou, who was grinning at the cool, awesome robot that could transform into a jet, and Izuku, who would have furiously drawn out the details on the robot if it wasn't immediately stolen by Melissa and Mei.

On the girl side, they were intrigued and curious over the humanoid robot, most especially Momo, who was intrigued on the science of the being, Kyouka, who found the concept of a robot transforming into a jet pretty sick, and Setsuna, who, like Kyouka, saw the shapeshifting robot fighter awesome. Eri looked at the large robot with child-like curiosity, though squirmed nervously, feeling rather unsettled by the robot's demeanor and appearance.

And of course, there were those who were rather...excited. Mei's and Melissa's mouths practically watered at the sight of the robot and its shapeshifting abilities. They immediately grabbed Izuku's notebook and proceeded to write page after page about its possible capabilities, its composition, and its level of sentience. David Shield was awestruck by the transforming robot, the same situation occurring with Power Loader. The two practically analyzed every nook and cranny of the robot's chassis and makeup. Nezu rubbed his chin in thought as he too analyzed the humanoid robot, as he pondered whether it was friend or foe.

He had already came up with a 90% certainty it was definitely not friendly.


"On the cybernetic world known as Cybertron, the race known as the Transformers are a race of humanoid looking robots with the ability to transform their appearance into different types of vehicles." Wiz explained.

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