Chapter 26: Interlude 2: I Will

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Third POV

As the group of students left the gym to go their dorms, being led by Vlad King and Hound Dog, it took a couple of minutes before Class 1-A asked to have a sleepover with Class 1-B, the Big Three, Mei, Melissa, and Shinsou. Vlad King and Hound Dog looked at each other to ponder the decision, before nodding in agreement, the latter growling really.

The students cheered and celebrated, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu already organizing a video game tournament between the guys. The girls of 1-A were silently cheering and congratulating themselves for the idea they proposed.

'For the next...*sigh*D-Dicku club meeting, we need Setsuna and Melissa to join us.' Momo thought, groaning over the name Mina suggested for their group and already looking for a new one. 'Nejire and Mirio and Amajiki were already going to our dorms, and Melissa was suppose to bunk in the Support Course with Mei, so it seemed logical to invite everyone for a sleepover.'

Uraraka also threw Shinsou's name into the mix at the last second. While his added presence didn't do much for the girls' plans, they knew that the indigo-haired teen appreciated being included with the rest of his soon-to-be-fellow Hero classmates, even if the uncomfortableness displayed on his face, from being drawn into a bear hug by Kirishima, said otherwise.

So, all the students gathered outside of Class 1-B's dorms, waiting for the remaining members of Class 1-B to gather their stuff for the sleepover, while likewise waiting on Mei to get her stuff from her dorm and Shinsou from his own. Melissa waited with them, luggage in hand, that was conveniently placed and hidden in the darkness of the gym by the exit.

Izuku stood at the edge of the group, stuck in his head and thoughts. '...Link, Zack Fair, Spider-Man, and Goku.' Izuku counted in his head. 'So far that's over 12 different counterparts of mine that we found out.' Normally, the fact that Deku has so many different and powerful counterparts, and some weird like this Daisy the Rabbit that he had been told, would cause the super self-critical teen to be confused, but then Izuku remembered what the device said the day prior.


'The device pretty much said that I am somehow an important person or figure in our universe, like All Might, One For All, and All For One.' Izuku frowned in thought. 'And given that All Might had a number of counterparts too and he's considered a key factor in our universe, it would make sense why I would have so many. But...' Izuku recalled how many of his counterparts, and counterparts to other individuals, inadvertently were revealing more of Izuku's past and secrets, detrimental ones. Harry Potter and Spider-Man practically exposed his not-so-great bullied past, Kratos, Spawn, and now Sonic and Goku were nearly revealing One For All, and even his Liu Kang counterpart, if the group start to look closer, is teasing his master/student relationship with All Might.

'Speaking of which...' Izuku was observant. Very observant. And he couldn't help but notice how All Might's counterparts, specifically Thor and Superman, both had a romantic relationship with his mother's, Inko Midoriya's, counterparts, those being Jane Foster and Lois Lane. It filled him with suspicion, which only grew with noticing All Might shivering and shaking scared like a deer caught in the headlights, and a rising sense of overprotectiveness for his amazing mother. She didn't exactly have the best history with love, considering his so-called Father was millions of miles away in America on a business trip.

Izuku already knew the truth that his parents split up, coincidentally a few months after he was diagnosed as Quirkless. Deku didn't need his supposed genius to connect the dots. Since then, his mother has spent her whole life looking after him, growing wider as she ate more stressfully, growing paranoid and worried every time he was away from home for too long, even her friendships were strained ever since he was revealed to be Quirkless, many of her so-called friends abandoning her like she had the plague, which given he was Quirkless might as well have been. Even her outings and hang outs with Auntie Mitsuki were growing fewer and farther between, though Izuku didn't know that that particular reason was more of Mistuki's own son than it did him.

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