Chapter 5- The Break Up

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"You can count on me like 1, 2, 3, I'll be there! And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4, 3, 2, you'll be there! 'Cuz that's what friends are suppose to do, ah yeah." 

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock playing You Can Count On Me by Bruno Mars. I hit the off button and got up. I ran into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and turned the water on for the shower. I let it warm up for a few minutes, stripped, and jump in. I was greeted with warm water. After a good 5 minutes of washing, I got out, put the towel around me and went into my room.

I grabbed Victoria's Secret bra and underwear from my dresser and slipped them on. I opened my bottom drawer to my jeans. I picked out regular skinny jeans and put them on. I walked to my closet and looked in it to see what to wear. It was a nice day out so I decided to wear a blue shirt. I looked at my phone to see that I had 2 new messages and that it was 7:00P.M.

One message from Zoey and one message from Mike. I looked at Zoey's first. 'Can't give u a ride today sorry my car needs an oil change.' I groaned and replied, 'Ugh fine now I have to walk all by myself to school :( if I get kidnapped I'm blaming u.' As I waited for her to respond I looked at Mike's message. 'Good morning.' I smiled and said, 'Morning Mike.' Zoey texted back, 'Sweety if u get kidnapped they'll bring u back once they c how annoying u r don't worry.' I laughed and typed, 'Y thank u.' I dropped my phone on my bed and went into the bathroom.

I walked out 10 minutes later, hair dry and brushed, smelling good, and teeth brushed. I looked at my phone again and saw Mike texted back. 'So how about that ride to school today?' How convenient. 'I'd like that.' I texted back. I ran downstairs and put my Uggs on. 'Great! ;) I'll be there in a few. be ready!' I looked at the text weirdly. 'How do u know where I live?'

'I've been there before duh.' I laughed at that. One year I invited him to a birthday party at my house and he came to it. 'Oh yeah! Ok c u in a few.' "What are you smiling at?" my brother, Josh asked me as he walked downstairs. "Nothing," I said as I sat down on the couch, waiting for Mike. "Whatever," he mumbled as he walked into the kitchen. "Why are you so grumpy?" I yelled after him. "Nothing you dweeb," he growled. "Sassy," I mumbled.

'Outside!' Mike messaged me. "Bye grumpy!" I yelled to Josh as I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door. I walked up to Mike's pick-up truck. "Hey," I said as I got into the truck. I put on my seat belt as he said, "Hey." "Thanks for the ride by the way. Zoey couldn't pick me up today so if it wasn't for you, I'd be walking to school," I said. He smiled at me, "It's no problem." As we went to school we were in our own little worlds. When I saw the school I just remembered what Julia said. "Um, ca-can you stop the truck?" I asked. He looked at me weirdly. "Why?" he asked, "the school is right there." "I know it's just I want to walk the rest of the way," I replied nervously as I saw the front of the school. "But-" "Just please!" I cut him off.

He frowned and nodded. He pulled to the side of the road and stopped. I hopped out of the truck and thanked for the ride. He drove off. Before he left, he looked upset. But why? I shrugged and continued to walk. Surprisingly I got to the school at 7:55A.M. which means I could go to my locker. I walked into the school when I heard fighting. "You are such a bitch to everyone!" a male voice said. That was Mike. I jogged to where I heard everything from.

Sure enough, Mike was yelling at Julia while she was tearing up. "Babe please, don't do this," she sobbed. "No!" Mike said angrily, "I'm done, WE'RE done." With that, he walked off. Julia looked at me and ran off to the girl's bathroom. So much for stopping at my locker. I felt bad for Julia. But if I went to go help her, she would bite my head off. I sighed. Off to math.

I walked into Mrs. Olive's classroom and took my seat. Mike walked in right after me and sat next to me. He gave me a sad smile. Everyone else soon piled into the classroom. I was just to ask Mike what happened in the hallway but then the bell rang. I took out a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote, 'what happened in the hallway before?' folded it and threw it at him. He opened it up, read it, and wrote something on it. He looked to see if the teacher was looking and threw it back to me. I opened it and read, 'me and Julia broke up. she was being a bitch to this kid and I finally said, enough is enough.' I looked up at him and he gave me a sad smile.

'I'm so sorry Mike.' 

'For what? u didn't do anything.' 

'It feels like I did though.' 

'No u didn't don't worry about it.' 

Just then Julia walked in. Her cheeks stained with dry tears. Her eyes were puffy and you can see that some make up was smeared. She apologized for being late and sat down in the back of the classroom. I turned back to the math lesson.

The bell rang saying that first period was over. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. I walked down the hallway and to my locker. "Hey Kayla, wait up!" I turned around to see Scott running through the crowd of people to get to me. I stopped and waited for him to get to me. When he finally did, he grabbed my things out of my hand and said, "Hey." "I'm not pregnant you know. I could carry my own things," I said as I tried to get my stuff back. Keyword, tried.

"I know but you are just so small," he said. I growled at him as he laughed. We got to my locker and I put my stuff in it and I grabbed my gym bag. I had gym second period. "Kayla!" Zoey yelled my name as she ran up to me. "Did you hear that Julia was crying in he girl's bathroom before!?" she asked. "Oh yeah I heard something about that," Scott said to her. "Well," I began, "Mike and Julia had a fight and Mike said that they were done and walked off." She made an 'O' with her mouth. "Yep," I said, "but let's go. We are gonna be late for gym!" I grabbed their hands and ran to the gym, dragging them along with me.


After gym everything went really fast. Next thing I knew, I was in the lunch line getting a cheeseburger and fries. I paid for my lunch and walked to my table when I was stopped by Mike. "Hey, can I sit with you guys today?" he asked hopefully. I laughed and nodded. He smiled and I saw his perfect white teeth. He grabbed my lunch and started walking to our table. "I'm not pregnant you know. I can do it myself," I said after him. He just laughed.

He put my lunch down and sat in the seat next to it. I sat down and noticed that half the cafeteria was starring at us. Zoey, who was starring at us with her brown eyes too, whipped her head around, making her brown hair fly everywhere, and yelled at everyone to mind their own business. Everyone turned away and continued with their life. I looked around and couldn't find Julia. Good. I'm safe, for now.

"Why are you sitting with us?" Scott asked rudely. "Scott!" I yelled at him, reaching over the table and hit him in the head. "Ow!" he hissed, rubbing where I hit him. "No it's okay Kayla," Mike said, "I'm sitting here because I'm friends with Kayla and I don't want to sit with Julia." Scott stuck his tongue at me and I did the same in return. "You're friends with Kay?" Zoey asked, shocked. We both nodded and then dropped it. I'm going to get crap later from Zoey. I know it.

Walking out of the cafeteria, Justin came up to me and asked me the thing I thought he would never ask. "Do you want to go on a date Sunday night?" I was so shocked. "I-I-uh-" I stuttered. I looked at him up and down. He was fit. Justin had a six pack and light brown hair. He was wearing a blue Hollister shirt, ripped jeans, and converse. Zoey came just in time. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to our social studies class. I looked back and saw Justin's green eyes starring at me until I couldn't see him anymore.

What am I going to do? Should I tell Zoey? What about Mike and Scott? I heard from Zoey that Scott liked me. And he's overprotective over me. What if I tell him and he flips out? And I mean I like Mike. All these questions ran through my head as I sat down in my seat in social studies. It's going to be a long period.


Oooooooo. Who do you think Kayla should be with? Mike, Justin or Scott? I know Scott hasn't come up a lot but in the few chapters he will. And what about Zoey? Should I give her someone to date? Comment and vote please! :)

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