Chapter 9- Stitches

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In a week it was my birthday and Zoey wanted to take me to the mansion for it with Scott and Justin. We weren't old enough to go to a bar so we decided to go to the mansion for teens night. The mansion is where teens could hang out, dance, and have fun.

It was second period and I was walking down the hall of the school when someone bumped into me. I stumbled a little. When I got my balance I looked up to see a smiling Tyler in front of me. "Hey," he said causally. "Hey," I said to him. I started to walk around him, but he grabbed my wrist. I hissed, the bruise still there and hurting. It just happened yesterday so obviously it would. "Where are you going?" he asked, turning me around to face him.

"Somewhere," I ripped my wrist out of his hand and turned around, walking the direction of the gym. "Now wait just a minute," Ty pulled me to him again. "No! I have to get to class! So let go!" I yelled. He tightened his gripped as I slowly went to the floor, the pain unbelievable. He smirked as he got down to my level. "Now, now, now, I know you want to, but you can't do anything inappropriate in school," he whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling my ear.

He stood up again, yanking me up with him. I let out a cry of pain. There was no one in the halls so no one could come help me. I let out a sob as he started pulling me down the hall. "Let go!" I tried yelling at him again, but he just laughed at me and tighten his gripped again. He dragged me outside. Tyler walked to a tree and pushed me to it. Then, I felt his body push me up against the tree.

I closed my eyes. When, I felt his lips on my neck, I snapped my eyes right open. "Get off!" I tried yelling, but when I opened my mouth, he took the advantage and trusted his tongue down my throat. I tried pushing him away from me, but he wouldn't budge. I felt his hands go under my shirt and slowly go up my body. I shivered. 'Was he going to rape me?' I asked myself. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt warm tears run down my cheek.

Tyler tried to pull off my shirt but I didn't allow it. He growled in my mouth, telling me to let him take off my shirt or else. But I wasn't going to listen to him. He growled again and removed his hands from under my shirt. I thought he was done, but instead, he grabbed a fist full of my hair. He pulled my head away from my tree and then slammed it back to it. I whimpered at the throbbing pain.

Tyler grabbed the button on my pants and started playing with it, trying to unbutton it. When he finally did, he started to tug it down. "What the hell are you doing to her?!" I heard someone yell. Tyler was then thrown off of me. I slid to the ground. I brought my knees to my chest and started to cry more than before. I felt a pair of hands touch me and I flinched back. "It's okay Kayla, I'm here," Scott whispered. When I heard his voice, I wrapped my arms around him. He picked me up, and started to walk.

As he was walking, I opened my eyes and saw a bleeding Tyler on the ground, groaning in pain. This only made me cry harder. "Shhhh, it'll be okay," Scott said to me. He opened the door to his car and gently put me on the seat. He went around to the other side and got in. Scott turned on the car and drove off. As I looked back I the side view mirror, I could see the school getting farther and farther away. My head throbbed as I touched it lightly. I closed my eyes and I drifted off to sleep.

"Kayla, wake up," I heard someone whispered in my ear, shaking me lightly. I groaned. I slowly opened my eyes to see Scott looking at me with concern. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at the back at my head and touched it carefully. He pulled back and looked at his fingers. They were red. I touched my head and then looked at my fingers. Blood. I started taking deep breaths. Scott picked me up and walked me to his front door of his house. He unlocked the door with his keys and opened the door.

He then brought me upstairs into his bedroom. Scott gently put me on his bed and went into his bathroom. He came out with a first aid kit and a rag. He put in on his night stand next to his bed and opened it. He pulled out a bottle for something and put it on the rag. "Zoey called you when you were sleeping so I answered it and told her what happened. She said that she will be here right after school," Scott told me.

I nodded my head and he continued, "Tilt your head down so I can see your wound." I did what I was told and tilted my head down. I felt the coldness of the rag and flinched. After a couple of minutes, the pain went away and I grabbed the rag for Scott to hold on my head myself. "What did he do to make your head bleed?" he asked me. "I-I wasn't letting him take off my shirt so he got mad, took a fist full of my hair and...slammed my head against the tree," I said quietly, tears forming in my eyes.

We sat in silence for a while until I said, "Thank you for helping me, Scott. I honestly wouldn't have known what I would have done if you didn't come and stop him." "I am so so so sorry for what he did to you. I can't believe he tried-tried to rape you!" he exclaimed, flailing his hands everywhere. His eyes looked at my hand quickly and went back to my head. "Wait," he looked at my wrist again, "did he-he do this to you?!"

"Uh-I-I-," I stuttered. I regained myself and said, "No, but yes. You see when I went to the movies with Justin yesterday, the worker behind the snack counter, was trying to write his name and number on my hand, but I didn't want him to. So I was trying to pull away but he grabbed my wrist really hard. And this is what happened, but today, Tyler was grabbing and pulling me by the same wrist. So all in all, he added on to the bruising."

Scott sat there for a while, just starring at the window. When he finally got out of his trance, he said, "Let me see you head." I nodded and turned my back to him and removed the rag from my head. "It's still bleeding, come on, we are going to go tp the hospital it might need stitches," he concluded. I nodded slowly and allowed him to walk me out and to drive me to the hospital.

When we got there, he signed me in, and the next thing I knew was that I was getting stitches in my head. It hurt a little, but not as bad as it did getting the wound. "Alright your done!" the doctor said cheerfully to me. "Thanks," I said with a smile. I hopped off the table thing and walked out to the waiting room to Scott. "Ready?" I asked Scott. He nodded and stood from his chair. He went to the security's counter and talked to the person behind it. He paid for my stitches and then we were off to his house.

When we got there, he went to my side of the car and opened the door for me. We walked up to the front door and he put his keys in the lock to unlock the door. He was about to open the door, but then he heard the T.V. from the other side of the door. We both looked at each other. He slowly opened the door. When he did, we looked at the T.V. Law and Order was on, Coke on the table, along with a bag of opened Cool Ranch Doritos. On the couch, Tyler was lying there. He looked up at us when we opened the door. He smirked at me than Scott. "Well, well, well, look who's back for more," he spat.


Happy Easter everyone! XD Sorry for updating so late, but I was busy all day and this was my only free time. I hope you like this chapter. I'm hoping to update the story this week, if not, definitely next week. Vote for my story please thanks!

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