Chapter 13- The Headaches and the Kiss

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Scott's P.O.V.

When I finally got back to Kayla's house, she was out like a light. I wouldn't blame her though, she's been through a lot, and its only 3:00 P.M. I looked down at Kayla as I closed the back door. Her hair covered half of her face while her lips were parted slightly.

She was still in her pjs, considering she didn't really have time to change between everything. Her shirt was ripped at the bottom and some of her stomach was showing. 'The asshole who was in the bedroom must have ripped Kayla's shirt,' I thought in my head. This angered me. This is why I didn't want her knowing about the whole wolf puts her in danger.

I balled my hands up into fists until my knuckles turned white. "If ANYTHING tries to hurt her again, I will personally kill them," I growled quietly. I walked into the living room and gently put Kayla onto the couch. I grabbed a blanket and put it on top of her so she wouldn't be cold. I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

I leaned up against the counter and pulled out my phone. Considering I didn't see or hear Zoey anywhere in the house, I texted her and told her not to come back to the house and that I got everything covered. I needed to sort things out. She replied back that I must watch Kayla very closely and that she would be back in the morning.

I heard a groan coming from the living room so I put my phone back into my back pocket and pushed myself away from the counter. I walked into the next room and Kayla was awake.

"I need my medicine and painkillers," Kayla groaned as she covered her face in the blanket. Without replying, I jogged up the stairs and into her bathroom. I opened her medicine cabinet and grabbed her her painkillers and medicine.

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen to get Kayla a glass of water. I quickly when into the living room and gave her everything. I watched as she threw her medicine in her mouth and gulp it down with one sip of water.

She sighed as she put the glass down on the coffee table in front of her and slump down into the couch. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I moved the glass of water aside and took a seat on the coffee table, facing Kayla.

She shrugged. "Like I got hit by a truck and then kicked in the head ten times," she mumbled as she put her arm over her eyes and sigh again. "Sounds like fun," I replied, trying to lighten the mood. She grunted in response.

I slumped my shoulders at that. "Look," I sighed. "No, you look," she said over me, "I don't want to talk about it right now." "Then when?" I asked frustrated as I stood up so I was looking down at her. "I don't know..." she trailed off, "maybe after I take a nap?"

"Fine," I grumbled as I stalked off into the kitchen once again. I went to the fridge and picked out a can of Dr. Pepper. I went to the cabinet that had cups in it and pulled one out. I got ice and put the soda in the cup.

After the fizzing went down, I took a sip of my drink. The cold soda dripped down my throat, refreshing me. I sighed as I took the empty Dr. Pepper can and threw it away. I went back to grab my drink and into the living room. Kayla was asleep.

So I wouldn't wake her, I quietly went around the couch and out the front door. I settled on the porch steps and placed my cup next to me. I looked around. It was surprisingly peaceful. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out my white headphones. I fumbled with trying to get the knots out of the wire and when I finally did, I pulled them into my phone. I unlocked my phone and clicked Pandora.

The first song that played was Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I let my muscles relaxed as I closed my eyes. I leaned against the banister standing next to me. 'Since today's Saturday, March 16th, tomorrow is Kayla's birthday,' I thought to myself, 'what a horrible week leading up to her birthday.' I got her a CD of Bruno Mars' Unorthodox Jukebox, signed by the singer himself. I hope she likes it. I put it in my car before I left my house last night so I wouldn't have to drive everywhere tomorrow.

After about two hours outside listening to music, I decided to go back inside. I walked into the kitchen and put my empty glass in the dishwasher. I stepped into the living room and looked at Kayla. She was up and watching NCIS. I shook my head and smiled at her. This girl could go through hell and still want to watch her favorite show while smiling. That's what I love about her...

"Hey," she said, not taking her eyes off the TV. My smile widened. "Hey," I replied. "Do you think you can make me some Mac and Cheese?" she asked, looking at me, "Please?" I laughed at her and nodded. She gave me a toothy grin and turned back to the TV.

I love how she's turning 17 tomorrow and yet, still acts like she's 10. "Thank you!" she exclaimed as I walked, once again, into the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I chuckled, "but only 'cause your birthday is tomorrow." I heard her laugh from the living while I got the pot out. I poured hot water into the pot and settled it on the stove.

I turned the knob and the fire roared to life. I went and got the Mac and Cheese box out of the cabinet and placed it next to the oven. A half hour later and Kayla was munching away her food.

"So..."I trailed off, looking down at my feet, "do you want to talk about everything or..." I heard her sigh and put her bowl on the coffee table. "I don't want to talk about what happened in the cabin...just yet," she said.

I nodded in agreement and looked up at her. She was sitting up now, but still snuggled up in her blanket. "Sit," she ordered, tilting her head to the empty couch cushion next to her. I obeyed and sat next to her.

We were silent for a minute or so until her broke the silence. "Tyler told me about the whole mate thing, but like, why me?" she asked. "I don't choose who I end up with, it just happens," I sighed, throwing my hands up in the air. She nodded and looked down. "But I don't know about us though. I mean, I never thought of you more than a best friend, you know?"

I nodded. We got quiet "How long?" she whispered suddenly. I looked at her in confusion. "How long what?" I asked. "How long have you known I was your-" "Mate?" I finished her sentence for her. She nodded. "Ever since my dad told me about all this stuff and how you know who your mate is..." "And how far ago was that?"

"Since I was 8," I whispered. "12 years?" she mumbled. "Yes," I replied. We were starring into each other's eyes. We weren't talking anymore, just starring. I started leaning in. I don't know what was going to happen next but I was willing to take a chance.

She looked down at my lips and back at my eyes. She leaned in too. When our lips connected, it felt like a billion fireworks going off. Her lips were soft against mine. We were slow at first, but then it started to get steamy.

I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. Kayla opened her mouth right away. I dipped my tongue in and got my first successful moan from her. I smiled into the kiss. She pushed her lips harder against mine as our tongues fought for dominance. I pushed her down so I was on top of her, but not breaking the kiss.

She lightly grind off of me as she pulled my bottom lip with her teeth. I groaned while she smirked. My lips went to her jaw and down her neck. She moaned again when I found her weak spot. I smirked against her neck and sucked that part of her skin. "What the hell?!" I heard someone yell, and it wasn't Kayla's voice.


Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I've been so busy between going back to New Jersey (since I moved from NJ to Texas), my friend coming back with me and spending a week at my house, my dad's birthday, my cousins coming down for two weeks for vacation, and then just having writer's block. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and comment and hopefully I'll be back soon. :) Bye!

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