Chapter 7- Tyler

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Josh's P.O.V.


"Kayla? What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled as I walked up to her. "You know this hot girl?" Ty asked, looking at her up and down. This really ticked me off. "These are the hot girls!?" I hollered in his face. "Hell yeah," he stated and then whispered in my ear, "I'll take the blonde." I looked at him and he wink at Kayla. That's it. I pushed him away from her. "That's my little sister you perve!" I growled in his face.

"Whoa, chill man," he said, holding his hands up in surrender. "We-we're going to wait outside," Kayla said as she grabbed Zoey's arm and ran downstairs. "And I'll be in my room," Ty said and went to his room, but not before saying, "way to ruin the fun." I looked at Scott. "What the hell were you thinking?" I roared, making him take a few steps back. "I didn't think he was going to be home considering he never is. I'm sorry," he said, frightened. I sighed. "Just make sure he stays the hell away from her and Zoey. I don't want anything happening to them. And you know he will hurt them." He nodded in agreement. I left the room.


Kayla's P.O.V.

"Oh my god," Zoey breathed, "I thought Josh was going to kill Tyler." "I know right. Why didn't Scott tell us he had an older brother though?" I asked. She shrugged, "It's kind of retarded though. I mean like we've known him since kindergarten! I can't believe he didn't tell us." I nodded, "I'm surprised we didn't even notice him!" "Yeah well, we never really came to his house so I guess that it's not our faults," she said. "Yeah , I guess..." I trailed off. Scott walked out of his house a few minutes later. When he got in the car he said, "Yes I know I know. I'll answer any questions you guys have." Me and Zoey looked at each other. "You ask the first few questions," Zoey said to me, gesturing her hands at me saying to go on with the questions.


Scott's P.O.V.

I knew something was going to happen like this. I just put two of my best friends I danger. Ty will not stop until he gets what he wants, and he wants Kayla and Zoey. I sighed and walked out of the house. As I walked to my car I thought to myself, "Be prepared to be pumbled with questions." I got into the car and said, "Yes I know I know. I'll answer any questions you guys have." Zoey and Kayla looked at each other. "You ask the first few questions," Zoey said to Kayla, gesturing her hands for her to starts asking the questions. Oh god.

Kayla looked at me. "Why didn't you tell us you had an older brother?" she asked. "Because I didn't want you two to get hurt. He's a player and once he sees something he wants, he won't stop until he gets it. He now wants you two. And before you ask, you've never seen him before because my parents sent him away to go live with my aunt because he was being bad," I said sadly.

"Why did you bring us to your house then?" she asked. "He usually is never home." "How old?" "A year older than us, which means he is 18." "When's his birthday?" "Isn't it Zoey's turn to ask the questions?" "No I'm okay, Kay's doing just fine asking the questions," she said. Kayla smirked. I sighed, "July 31st." "Does he go to our school?" "Yes." "Then why haven't I seen him around?" "I don't know."

"I'll ask you more questions later, right now let's go home," Kayla said. I nodded, started the car, and drove off. It was a quiet ride to Kayla's. Everyone was thinking of their own things and in their own worlds. I feel bad for not telling them, but it was for their own good. I wouldn't be able to stand to see them hurt from my own brother. I'd probably die.

When we got to Kayla's we all got out of the car and into her house. We grabbed some movies, more popcorn, ice cream, and grabbed drinks. When we got into Kayla's room, they hit me with more questions. It's going to be a long night. 


Kayla's P.O.V.

After an hour of bashing him with questions, Scott asked me about Mike. "Well, I don't really know. Lately we've been talking a lot more. I don't really know what changed but then again I don't want to know honestly," I sighed. "Oh," they both replied. "Why were you so upset today?" Zoey asked while Scott nodded. I looked at them. Here's where the truth comes out. "Promise not to get mad or kill anyone?" I said. They looked at each other, then to me and nodded.

"Okay," I took a deep breath, "Justin asked me out after lunch, but then Zoey pulled me away to go to social studies so I couldn't answer him. In French, he kept throwing notes and texting me, but I was too afraid to read them. So when you guys asked if we needed a ride and Zoey said sure, I didn't know what was going to happen. When we got to my house I thought I was safe, but then Zoey invited you and Justin in. That's why I got mad at you, Zoey. I didn't mean to snap, I just don't know.

 When you, Zoey, went to the bathroom, and you, Scott, went to go get a drink, Justin started to apologize for asking me out. I didn't want to see him upset so I said yes to the date on Sunday. After I said yes, he jumped up and gave me a hug. That's where the whole eye thing came in with you, Zoey." I took a deep breath and waited for their reaction.

They were silent for a few minutes until Zoey broke the ice. "Oh my god! Where is he taking you? What time? What are you going to wear? Can I do your hair and make-up?" She started jumping up and down. I laughed at her. "I don't know!" I exclaimed, "He's going to text me everything later and of course you can!" I stopped laughing when I looked at Scott. He looked upset?

"Scott?" I said in a quiet voice, making him look up at me and force a smile. "I'm happy for you," he said. His eyes had so many emotions in them, but with one blink of the eyes, they all went away and his eyes hardened. I frowned. Zoey coughed and we both looked at her. She wasn't jumping around anymore. In fact, she was sitting on the floor with the DVD player remote in her hand. "Let's watch Batman," she said and pressed 'play'. She will always change the subject if she knows that it's turning into a bad thing. I smiled and turned my attention to the T.V.


What did you guys think about the P.O.V. thing? I'm thinking of during it more often. How about Tyler, Justin, Josh, and Scott? You think that Josh was overprotective? You'll see more of Tyler in the next chapter. And what about Scott? Do you think he was jealous? The next chapter will be the date. Please vote and comment! Thanks you guys! :D (Btw for the people who don't know what P.O.V. means, it means Point of View)

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