Chapter 14- The Question and Answer

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Kayla's P.O.V.

I jerked up, pushing Scott up off of me and looked toward the source of the voice that interrupted us. There, standing near the front door was Justin with a mixture of anger, pain, betrayal, and disappointment written all over his face. I gulped quietly as I glanced down at Scott, who fell on the floor when I pushed him off of me, to see that shock was written all over his face. "Um, hey Justin, what are you doing here?" I asked as if there was nothing going on a few seconds ago.

"Well, I came here to see how you were doing considering you just recently got out of the hospital, but I can see that you are doing just fine. Sorry I interrupted you guys," Justin spat at me as he turned away and ripped the door open. I shivered and jumped off the couch and ran after Justin. I nearly tripped over Scott in the process since he was just sitting on the floor like a statue, starring off after Justin with his mouth slightly open and his eyes wide.

"Justin!" I called out to him as I jumped down the porch stairs and to Justin's car, "Please! Le-let me explain!" "There's nothing to explain, Kayla. You obviously have feelings for my best friend. I get it, just go back inside and leave me the hell alone, okay?" Justin snarled and turned the ignition on. I stopped dead in my tracks at the harshness of his voice. He must have noticed to because he looked out the passenger side window at me with guilt and sadness in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if to say something else, but shook his head and closed his mouth. He pulled out of my driveway and drove away without slowing down or stopping.

I turned around and ran into the house, tears stinging my eyes. As  I slammed the door behind me, Scott's eyes snapped to me. He blinked a couple of times as if he woke up from a dream and stood up off of the floor. I watched him as he cautiously took three steps toward me. "Kayla I-" he started, but I cut him off. "No! This is your fault. You just had to kiss me didn't you? Why couldn't you just have left me alone!"

Tears blurred my vision as I backed up into a wall and slid down it. Scott quickly came to my side and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap. Instead of protesting, I wrapped my arms around his necked and pulled him closer to me as I sobbed. "He hates me, h-he hates me so much now. You should have heard the way he yelled at me outside. He will never forgive me, Scott. I screwed up big time." "Shhh, it'll be okay, I'll make sure of it. I'll talk to him later, okay? I'll try to convince him to come back over so we can talk this through and make it all better. Does that sound good?" Scott whispered into my ear. I nodded and tried to pull him closer to me.

His gripped tightened on me as he stood up and put his one arm under my knees and his other arm on my back. He walked upstairs as if I was as light as a feather and brought me into my room. He used my feet to shut the door behind us and he gently placed me on my bed. Scott went to let go of me when I tightened my gripped on him. "Please stay with me," I whispered, pulling slightly away from him to look into his eyes, "I don't want to be left alone, please." He nodded as he pushed me over so he could lay next to me.

I snuggled up against Scott, resting my head on his shoulder and my one hand on his chest. He wrapped his arm around my neck and drew me closer to him. When he draped his leg over mine, I looked up at him. He turned his head slightly and looked at me back. He took his free hand and wiped a tear that fell from my eye. "Please don't cry, Kay. It'll be okay soon enough." Scott whispered to me. I don't know why, but the way his voice was, so soft and gentle, I automatically believed that what he was saying was true. He pulled his hand away from my face and put it on top of my hand that was the side of my stomach. He looked up at the ceiling and so did I. It was filled with the glow in the dark stars that didn't glow anymore from when we put them up there when we were little.

I laughed inwardly at the memory. Everything was the same as it always was, and yet, it felt so different. It wasn't because of the fact that Scott and I were just kissing downstairs on the couch a few minutes ago or because I just got done crying or even because Justin and I got into a fight. It felt as if I was in  a whole different world. I mean, Scott and I have slept in the same bed before and have been in the same position before, too, but it still felt as if it was all new to me. I don't really know why though. "Is it because I now know about his secret that he has been keeping from me all these years?" I asked myself very quietly.

"What?" Scott mumbled. I glanced at him. His eyes where closed and his black hair was in his face slightly. "Nothing," I replied and shook my head. "That is ridiculous, so what if I know? It doesn't make him any different form the boy I've known and loved since I was little. It just means that I now know something a little different and unique about him, that's all." I thought. Or does it? a small but powerful voice said in the back if my head. Or does it mean that you now know that it could turn into a monster. One that could hurt and kill humans and animals.

"Stop it," I whispered. "Huh?" Scott said, sneaking a side glance at me and closing his eyes again. "N-nothing, sorry, I was just talking to myself, that's all," I mumbled. I saw him nod. I blew out a puff of air. "He is not an 'it.' His name is Scott and you know it. We've been best friends for as long as I could remember, ever longer. Nothing will change that," I thought.

Oh really? He runs around as a hairy beast and for all you know, he can't control himself.  He's a dog, and not as in dating wise. He runs really fast, with fur and sharp teeth, claws, and a tail.  He is something that could tear you to shreds if it get too mad. I shivered. "Are you cold?" Scott asked, making me jump a little. I nodded, but then realized he couldn't see me with his eyes closed and said, "Yeah, kind of." He picked me and himself up off of the bed, just enough to slide the blankets out from under us and put the on top of us. "Thanks," I whispered. Scott rolled to his side and put his hand on his head to support it and said, "Tell me what's going on in that little head of yours. You only talk to yourself when you are having a fight inside your head with yourself."

I blushed and looked down at my hands that were now on my stomach. I sighed, "I was just thinking about you." "Oh?" he sounded amused. I nodded. "Well what were you thinking about?" Scott asked. "How you can turn into a wolf with sharp teeth and claws, a tail, and fur and possibly kill living animals and humans!" I blurted. I gasped at what I said and threw my hands over my mouth. I slowly turned my head toward Scott and looked at him. His expression wasn't changed, still amused.

I slowly took my hands off my mouth and cried, "Why are you amused at what I just said? You should be upset and hurt!" He laughed at me. "Because it is funny, Kayla," he chuckled, "I don't eat humans or live animals. I eat what humans eat, meat, vegetables, fruits..." He trailed off. "I'm sorry," I sighed, "I guess I'm just not used to the idea of you as a wolf, you know?" He nodded. "Yeah, I know. I just want you to know that I am still the same guy you used to know before you knew what  I was and that if you have any questions, any questions at all, you can ask me them. All right?" he said.

I nodded and then yawned. "Listen, take a nap. You still look really tired. We will talk in a little bit and I'll be taking a nap with you-if that's all right with you,  I mean," Scott looked around the room. "Yeah, that's okay," I replied, and smiled when Scott looked at me. He returned the smile and laid down on his back and looked his eyes. I laid on him in the same position I was in a couple of minutes ago. He put his leg on top of mine and used his arm to slide under my neck and pull me closer to him.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Before I got to comfortable, I asked Scott the question that has been bugging me since I found out what he really was. Hey, Scott, I wanted to know if you were ever going to tell me what you are if I didn't find out by getting attacked by Tyler..." I trailed off. He shuffled, as if uncomfortable by the question and said, "Eventually, just... in the right way." I nodded and pushed myself, in any possible way, closer to him. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard Scott whisper, "I never wanted to hurt you, Kayla. I-I wanted you to be safe and not know about my world. You don't know how much t..." That's all I heard before I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guys! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. I finally got a new computer since my old one broke, so I decided to start writing new chapter on my laptop instead of my tablet like I used to be doing, so now the chapters should be long and there should be less mistakes. Please vote and comment and all the other good stuff. I'll see you guys next time! :D

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