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Stan sat on the edge of his bed, back in his room in South Park. You two had spent your week together in L.A., and now you were only back for some of Stan's stuff he left behind and to spend some more time with your friends. It was just you and Stan this time, and in hopes of not adding too many miles to your car, you two had booked the cheapest flight available. You took only a few necessities with you on and a few empty bags to take whatever you guys had left behind. Now, however Stan was facing a dilemma. Sat on his bed's edge, phone in his hands as he debated sending the message.

     Kyle had texted all of you guys on a group chat, making plans to go out for lunch later today. When you'd finally all decided on a place and location, Stan realized seeing his other three friends in person would lead to having to tell them about him and you. More specifically, you guys would have to admit to Kyle that you'd technically been hiding the truth from him for slightly under a week now. He had opened up his messages, deciding to send him a text explaining everything. You guys were still best friends, and it'd probably be the good best friend thing to do to tell him. Yet Stan stopped himself, thinking if he'd be mad you guys didn't tell him before. He'd call you guys a few times, and yet neither of you told him. He could make up the excuse it's something you two wanted to talk about in person with him. That could work.

    "Those initials predicted the future," Stan heard you say from behind him. He turned to look, seeing you laying back on the bed, gazed fix on the initials written in sharpie on his window sill. He let out a light laugh as he leaned back to lay down next to you. "Yeah," he quietly said. You turned your head towards his direction once you felt the bed sink at your side. "Did you tell him?" you asked him. Stan sighed, looking at you "No, I feel like we should just tell him in person at this point." You hummed in response, "Okay then, text him to see if he can meet us like thirty minutes earlier or something, unless you wanna tell everyone at the same time," you paused for a second "actually, ask Kyle if he can give us a ride, but still tell him to pick us up 30 minutes earlier, then he can still know before the others." "Okay." You watched your boyfriend type out the message, reading it over his shoulder. "That's good right?"

'Hey kyle can you give me and [name] a ride? we need to talk about something with you, pick us up like half an hour earlier'

"Sounds ominous, send it," you laughed at Stan. He slightly bumped your arm "Shut up, is it good or not?" although he was trying to be serious, hearing you laugh made him smile. "Yeah it's fine, but just tell him it's important, and phrase the picking us up earlier part like a question. Don't make him think it's bad," you told Stan. "Okay." You watched Stan type again, then finally sending the message.

"You thinks he's gonna be mad we didn't tell him earlier?" he asked, putting his phone down by his side and turning to face you. "It's Kyle, he'll be fine, I think, just don't overthink it too much" you said as you brought a hand up to his face to remove a strand of his hair. He smiled at your action, leaning in and pecking your lips. "You're so cute Stan." "Shut up," he replied, his face beginning to blush. Suddenly a small ping sound coming from Stan's phone alerted you both. He reached out for the phone again, bringing it up to look at the notification. "It's Kyle, he said ok," he told you. "Cool." His eyes returned to you, "What do you wanna do?" Stan asked. "I don't know."

Keeping eye contact for a few seconds, before Stan broke it by kissing you once again. You smiled into the kiss, returning the gesture. You had noticed in the short time you've been officially dating Stan that he seemed to really like kisses. Whether they were quick or not, he just seemed to like having your lips on his. You felt Stan pull himself closer to you, throwing an arm around your shoulders. He turned his head slightly, and you felt the small shift of his lips. In response, you wrapped in arm around his waist. Lost in your own world with Stan neither of you heard the door open, revealing a rather shocked Sharon. Hearing her say "Oh my God," was the thing to snap Stan away from you. Stan wasn't scared or ashamed of anyone finding out about you two, but he'd definitely seemed to get anxious or nervous whenever confronting someone about it. Right now he seemed especially panicked, probably because it was one of his parents. "Mom, it's.." he began to say sitting up, then looking back at you, "it's actually pretty much exactly what it looks like." She seemed to stay in her state of shock, before asking, "How long?" You stayed quite, deciding maybe it was best for Stan to talk. "Um, about a week I guess." She seemed slightly more relaxed now, but definitely still taken aback. "Well, ok then, congratulations you two," was all she said, walking away from the door. It stayed silent in the room for a moment, before Stan finally laid back down, except this time he faced the ceiling.

"Great coming out Stan." He just laughed, bringing his hands up to his face. "Yeah, she's gonna go tell my dad now probably, he's down stairs," he said, although it was a little muffled through his hands. "And you were worried about Kyle, did you not tell them anything?" "No." "Just keep playing it off as a 'I wanted to tell you in person' thing then." You heard Stan inhale, bringing his hands down from his face. "Yeah, that's probably the best idea-" Stan was cut off by Randy walking into the doorway. "Stan is it true?" Although a question, his tone was rather loud. Stan sighed, turning his head to face his father. "Well, does it look true?" Stan replied. "Oh my God, I knew it!" Randy announced proudly. "No, no Randy, they've only been together for a week," Sharon interrupted. "Oh," he mumbled. "You thought we were dating before?" Stan asked. "No, no, of course not," Randy rambled. "Well, good for you guys, um, well we'll just head out I guess," he continued on. You both watched Stan's parents leave the room, reaching for his hand and silently holding it as they exited. "Well, at least they were supportive," you said.


"So what did you guys wanna tell me?" Kyle asked once you both had gotten seated in his car. Stan had made his way into the backseat, you in the passenger. "Okay, don't freak out," you started saying, deciding since Stan technically told his parents earlier today, you'd be the one to inform Kyle. "Me and Stan are dating now." Still parked in the driveway, there wasn't much reaction from Kyle. He laughed a little, rolling his eyes. "Okay dude, but seriously?" You just looked at him, opening your mouth slightly to respond, but Stan beat you to it. "No Kyle, he's serious."

Kyle looked into the backseat then back at you. The silence grew between you three, not sure exactly what to say. "Holy shit," was all Kyle replied. "We wanted to tell you in person, so that's why we didn't tell you earlier." Kyle let out an exhale, "Okay, well I never thought i'd say this, but I guess Cartman was right." Suddenly you two heard Stan laughing causing both of you to look behind you. You two soon joined him. "Yeah, for once," you said. "You're not mad we didn't tell you before?" Stan asked Kyle. "No, what? Of course not, i'm only mad at the fact you guys let Cartman be right!" You just smiled at Kyle, glad to know everything was okay.


"Well can't say I told you so," Cartman leaned back into his chair. You were all around a table in the center of a fast food place. Stan reached over for one of the fries on your plate. "Thought you'd be making fun of us," you told him while smiling. "I will, but I'll let you guys live your moment for a little longer," he replied. "Doesn't even feel like i'm talking to Eric Cartman right now." Stan laughed at you comment, grabbing yet another fry from your plate. You watched him eat your stolen fry before speaking up, "And you, just cause you're my boyfriend now doesn't mean i'll just let you steal my food," you said as you put your hand on his head, messing with his hair. "That's so gay," Kenny muffled from beside you. In response to his comment you just pulled Stan in close to you, kissing his forehead.

"Does this mean we're gonna have to listen to you too be all couple-y?" Kyle asked from in front of you guys. You heard Stan let out a light laugh before responding. "No, we'll be the same dude," he answered. Cartman began to cough in response, "lies," he mumbled out between coughs. You just rolled your eyes at his antics "Yeah, whatever," you replied, but you couldn't help the slight smile forming on your face. You were going to miss these guys. You all agreed to still keeping in contact, who knows if you'd all keep your word, but you'd hope for the best. Right now, you were just happy to be around with your friends and boyfriend.

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