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    Stan woke up, groaning from the tense feeling his head had. Slowly blinking his eyes open, he took in his surroundings. He turned in his bed, being faced with his halfway opened door. He could hear faint voices from outside of it. As he stared at the cracked door, everything suddenly hit him, and he felt a rush of adrenaline shoot through him. Although foggy, he could make out the main parts of last night, and now he had to get up and face you. He tried to calm himself down, trying his best to remember every detail of your previous conversation. He sat up, groaning as he rubbed his face with his hands. What did you tell him? He confessed to you, sort of, then what? He leaned in to try and kiss you and, you rejected him? Stan's breath hitched in his throat. No, he's missing something, he remembers falling asleep next to you. You told him he was drunk, that he needed to be sober before you let him kiss you. He needed to be sure of what he was doing. You needed to be sure his feelings weren't just a side affect of the drinks.

     Stan thought about it for a moment. He could hear your voice in the kitchen, sounded like you were on the phone with someone. Taking a deep breath in he got up. He needed to talk to you, tell you he really meant everything he said. He opened his door fully, taking a step out. He saw you sitting in the kitchen, and your phone propped up. "...And the insane part is that it's actually working out for him!" Stan could hear Kyle's voice and see him on your phone screen. You laughed at Kyle's frustration at Cartman's latest morally questionable business idea. "Don't worry, you know it either always gets him in trouble, or fails miserably," he heard you respond. "Yeah, hopefully he gets his ass beat," Kyle sighed. "How has Stan been?" "He's been good, still sleeping in after last night," you said. "That's good, well I gotta go, I told my mom i'd help her run a few errands." "Alright, I'll see you later dude," Kyle gave you a small wave before reaching out and hanging up the face time.

    "Hey," Stan finally spoke up. You turned to your side where he had been standing out of the cameras view. "Hey," you replied, smiling back at him. "That was Kyle?" he asked you. "Yeah, Cartman's up to something again." Stan just smiled back at you. "Yeah, well what do you expect," he said as he took a seat next to you. You weren't planning on bringing anything up, deciding that if Stan ignored it or forgot about last night you'd just go along. Although in all honesty, it would definitely hurt if he did just pass over everything. "[n.n]," he spoke up. You turned to face him, humming in response. "I'm sober now," was all he said. "Yeah?" you asked, knowing what he was referring to, but deciding to let him speak. "You said if I still felt the same way in the morning, you'd be my boyfriend." "I said that?" Stan stared at you for a moment. "Yes." You sat up straight, before looking back down at your phone. "What else did I say?" "Dude be serious," Stan responded. You put your phone down again, going back to looking at him. "Okay, okay, I know what I said, but do you know what you said?" He gave you a small nod.

The both of you looked at each other for a moment. Stan began slowly leaning in towards you, a bit hesitant. You almost laughed at his awkward movement before just finally closing the space between you two. You felt him jolt for a second, before he kissed you back. It was a quick moment. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable, pulling away first, you wanted to make sure that was okay. The thing that took you by surprise however was him immediately leaning back in, putting a hand up to your face. You heard a stool slide against the floor, probably from him getting up. In response you put your hands on his waist. A few more second passed, as he just seemed to lean more into you. His arms wrapped around your shoulders, as he was angled slightly above you. You weren't going to lie, the position felt a bit awkward but you quickly discarded that thought when Stan hummed into the kiss. You focused back in to continuing to kiss your best friend, now boyfriend apparently.

Suddenly you heard knocking. Stan was the one to pull away this time, opening his eyes and looking at you. The knocking at the door continued, as the both of you just kept eye contact. "You think we can get away with pretending we're not home?" you asked him. He just laughed, his face had a slight tint of red. The knocking began again, in response you just groaned, turning to get up. Stan followed, deciding to sit on the couch as he watched you open the door. From what he could see, it was Craig. "Hey Craig, uh, what are you doing here?" he heard you ask. "I think this is Stan's," he said, pulling out a phone with a dark blue phone case. "He left it on the table last night." You stared at the phone in his hands. A worn out Terrance and Philip sticker, along with a drawing you had doodled on with sharpie a couple months ago helped confirm it was Stan's phone. "Oh, yeah, thanks Craig," you said, taking the phone from his hand. You silently thought about how drunk Stan must have been to leave his phone behind. "Well, did you need anything else?" He just shook his head, "No thanks, I'm going to go back to my boyfriend now." "Yeah, me too, gotta give him his phone back." "You need to stop saying he's your boyfriend, I'm starting to think you're serious," he mumbled. You couldn't help the smile forming on your face. "I am." Craig's eyes widened at your statement. "What?" he said. "Yeah, well i'll talk to you later Craig, bye." You shut the door, leaving a confused Craig behind. He walked off from your front step, making a mental note to ask you about this again later.

    "Hey Stan, looks like you were distracted with me a little too much last night," you approached him holding his phone out to him. "Oh shit," he replied reaching for the phone and grabbing it out of your hand. His face turned a bright red as he examined the device. You sat down next to him, watching as he unlocked the phone and made sure it was alright. "Craig had it, so I don't think anything bad happened to it," you told him. He nodded as he squinted at his screen. He opened the photos app, seeing the most recent ones being a collection of Craig flipping the camera off, and 0.5x photos of Tweek and his guinea pig Stripe. "Yeah nothing bad, just a bunch of these," he said while showing you the screen. You laughed at the pictures, before Stan closed his phone and put it down next to him on the couch. "That could've been bad," he sighed leaning against the couch. "Yeah, it could've."

He turned to face you, moving in slightly closer.
It was as if he was silently asking for you too kiss him again, which you did. He slightly parted his lips this time, leading for it to turn from a simple kiss to actually making out. It still felt surreal, kissing your best friend. It was strange feeling him this close to you, an unfamiliar thing, but it felt nice. Stan shared the same thoughts. A few months ago he wouldn't have even considered this a possibility, but now, he wouldn't change being here with you for anything. Neither of you were keeping track of the minutes, but you parted after a bit in an attempt to catch your breath. "You know, Cartman and Kenny are gonna have a field day with us when they find out," Stan said. "Oh fuck that," you responded, grabbing Stan by his face resuming to having your lips on his.

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