Chapter 2

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We all sat down in a circle and looked at eachother

"Who's gonna start?" Maddy asked while looking around the room.

"I will." Mason immediately replied.

"Alright." Becca said.

"Truth or dare.. Mikey." Mason said.

"Uhhh truth." Miguel replied.

"Hmm.." Mason said.

He bent to the side to ask Maddy something. She whispered something in his ear.

"Who do you think is the most handsome person in the room right now?" Mason asked.

"Dude seriously?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah!" Mason said.

"Honestly.." He said while obviously trying to drag.

"Dude just say it." Brady said in a whining tone.

"Mason." Miguel said.

"Not Scarlett?" Maddy said with grinning at me.

"I mean.. I think all of you are good looking but Mason is pretty handsome." He said

We all laughed and then Jacob spoke.

"Miguel go!!"

"Oh uhmm.. Truth or dare Becca!" Miguel said.

"Truth." Becca said strongly.

"Oooooo she feisty!" Tristan said.

Me and Maddy burst out laughing. She mouthed 'That sounded so gay!' To me and i mouthed 'I know!'

"Okay uhmmm.." Miguel started.

"Wait!" I interrupted. I had an amazing dare and i really wanted Becca to do it.

I crawled over to Miguel and whispered something in his ear. We were weirdly close but neither of us seemed to mind. The emotionless space was slowly disappearing.

Miguel scoffed. "That's genius." He said. I smirked at him. And he smirked back.

"So, Becca.." He started.

"Oh god." Becca said.

"What's one thing another player did that you found hot." Miguel said.

We all burst out laughing and Becca turned really red. We slowly stopped laughing and looked at Becca.

"So.." Brady said.

"I found it extremely hot when Scarlett just now like bent over and whispered in Miguel's ear. Like what Scarlett did alone wasn't that hot but like her whole neck was exposed to Miguel and they could've make out right then and there." Becca said.

"OH MY-"

We all burst out laughing and Miguel just looked at me. A soft smile appeared on his face and we had eye contact.

"Luckily they didn't tho." She added.

"That would have been real weird." Mason said sarcastically.

"Soooo weird." Tristan added.

"Okay can we stop shipping Scar and Mikey and go to the next question?" Brady said.

"Yeah sure." Mason said while immediately putting on a serious face.

"Jacob, truth or dare." Becca said.

"Oh uhmm.. Dare." Jacob replied.

"This is gonna be really basic but uhh.. Oh wait I know. Show us the last picture in your camera role." Becca said.

Jacob hot out his phone and went into his camera role. He turned his phone around and showed us the picture.

It was a picture of a sunset. Basic asf.

"Dang boring." Mason said.

"Thats what i thought!" I added.

"Jeez sorry I don't take 'cool' pictures." Jacob said.

It was quiet but then we heard someone softly snore. It was Tristan.

"Its like 11:30 and we have to be up early we should go to bed." I said.

"Yeah." Maddy replied.

Everybody stood up and walked to their rooms. We had bathrooms in our rooms cuz this hotel was like extra fancy. Maddy and Becca went into Maddy's room. They often did that. They just gossip and then don't get enough sleep and complain.

I was now alone with Tristan in the main area. "Hey.." I softly said while kinda shaking him. "Huh?.." he woke up. "Go to bed." I said. "Hm?." He muttered while rubbing his eyes. I took his hands and led him to his room. He fell into his bed and i turned of the light and closed his door. When i turned around i saw all the doors closed exept for one. Miguel's.

"Hey." He said. "Oh hey." I replied. "I uhh.." he started. It stayed quiet. "I kinda feel like there's this vibe between us." He said. "Like a nothingness?" I asked. "Yeah!" He said. "I feel it too." I replied. "Yeah I don't want that." He said. "Me neither." I said. "I just wanna be normal friends, like i wanna get along like me and Mason get along. Yknow?" I said.

Friends. She wants to be normal friends. I mean thats what were supposed to be because like were not together anymore but these past days being with her so often has made me kinda like.. grow affection or something for her. Well not affection.. more like grown to like her. Well like i mean like like. I like Scarlett. I mean i think i do? And this afternoon she sang 'i miss your tan skin, your sweet smile.' I mean i think i have those.


She said. "Oh uhm yeah sorry i just spaced out. I think we should be friends aswell." I replied. "Great!" She said. She said it so sincerely, like she really wanted to be friends. Well thats what she just said but.. i mean. God. Too many emotions. Kinda wanna cry now. "Well uhh im going to bed now.." i said.

"Goodnight Miguel."

"Goodnight Scarlett."

I turned around. Went into my room and closed the door. I locked it aswell. I jumped onto my bed and just cried into my pillow. Was i still in love with her? I cant be.. am i?. I mean the only reason we broke up was because we didn't have direct contact but now that we do.. no. No i know better then that. I know I won't work like that.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now