Chapter 8

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We stood there in the kitchen and Mason yelled "Go!"

"Robin please just listen to me.." I said while grabbing Mikey's arm.

"No. Im gonna go get snacks, ALONE. Just because something happened to your brother doesn't mean something is gonna happen to me." Miguel said angrily while ripping his arm away.

"Robin please! Something bad is gonna happen i just know!" I yelled.

"What. What super bad thing is gonna happen when i go to get snacks." Miguel yelled back.

"You heard what Gwen said!" I yelled.

I look at him, devastated.
He looks at me and then looks away.
He can't say no.

"Fine. Ill stay." Miguel says while sighing.

"Thank you.." I say as i hold onto Miguel's hand.

He smiles at me and i smile back.
He blushes and I blush aswell.

I stands on my tiptoes and gives Miguel a kiss on his cheek. He blushed even more.

The cast went CRAZY.

"WHOOO!!" Maddy yelled while clapping

"Oh la la!!" Tristan said.

"Im gonna go home now." Mikey said.

"EH WRONG!" Jacob yelled.

"No its not?" I said.

"No this afternoon there was another little something." Jacob said.

"Were not gonna.." i started.

I looked at Miguel and once again, he shrugged his shoulders like 'who cares.'

"Lets do it." He said.

"You sure?" I said.

"Yeah." He said.

We started over again.

Robin please just listen to me.." I said while grabbing Mikey's arm.

"No. Im gonna go get snacks, ALONE. Just because something happened to your brother doesn't mean something is gonna happen to me." Miguel said angrily while ripping his arm away.

"Robin please! Something bad is gonna happen i just know!" I yelled.

"What. What super bad thing is gonna happen when i go to get snacks." Miguel yelled back.

"You heard what Gwen said!" I yelled.

I look at him, devastated.
He looks at me and then looks away.
He can't say no.

"Fine. Ill stay." Miguel says while sighing.

"Thank you.." I say as i hold onto Miguel's hand.

He smiles at me and i smile back.
He blushes and I blush aswell.

I stands on my tiptoes and gives Miguel a kiss on his cheek. He blushed even more and then..

With one hand he grabbed my face and he other he put on my waist. He pulled me in and our waists were touching. He kissed me. Once again, i felt his warm breath on my skin, his hand on my waist and butterflies in my stomach. We kissed for longer then we did in the actual scene. He pulled away slowly. I grabbed his face and kissed him again. Both of his hands were on my waist. I felt warm. Safe. I pulled away slowly.

"Im gonna go home now." Mikey said.

He was extremely red. Like tomato red.

"Okay.." I reply.

I blush at him. He walks away and looks back one more time.

"WHOOOOO!!!!" Everyone yelled.

"Fuck yes!" Becca yelled.

All of them laughed and me and Miguel just stood there. Looking at eachother. I sat down and so did Miguel.

"I thought it was only a kiss on the cheek?" Mason said.

"Yeah so did i!" Maddy said.

"We changed it." Miguel said. He was figiting with his hands and i could tell he was nervous.

Mason laughed and so did the rest of the cast.

"Next question?" Jacob said.

"Ok uhmm.. Can someone else ask? I need to go to the bathroom." I said.

"Yeah ofcourse! Maddy?" Jacob said.

"Truth or dare.. Brady." Maddy started.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and sat down. I felt myself turn red and i legit started giggling. God. I am so incredibly in love with him. Oh god. I just realized i kissed him a second time. Was that weird? I mean.. he kissed me first. Yeah but that was for the role. Oh god what did i do?

I got up and walked back into the room. I saw Brady drinking pickle juice. "I dont even wanna know." I said. They all burst out laughing and i sat down next to Miguel. He smiled at me and then he looked at Mason who was grinning at him. Mason defo knew something I didn't.

Brady drank the pickle juice snd then chugged a bottle of fanta to get rid of the flavor. He sat down again and let out the LOUDEST burp I've ever heard. "Dude ew!" I yelled. The rest of the cast laughed.

"Ok umm, Maddy truth or dare?" Brady asked.

"Truth!" She said.

"Ok uhmm.. whats the most embarrassing thing you've done while being home alone?" He asked.

"Eat a whole jar of peanut butter." She replied.

"Oh nasty.." Mason said.

We burst out laughing and now it was Maddy's turn.

"Wait who hasn't been asked yet?" She asked.

"Uhmm Miguel and Jacob i think." Tristan said.

They both nodded and Maddy said "Miguel, truth or dare?"

"Oh uhm truth." Miguel replied.

"Is Scarlett a good kisser?" She asked.

"Im not gonna.. i mean.. yeah. Shes a good kisser." He said.

He looked at me and i smiled at him.

"Oo lala!!" Maddy said.

We laughed and then Miguel asked: "Jacob, truth or dare?"

"Oh uhm truth i guess." Jacob replied.

"Do you know something about someone in this room that nobody else knows?" Miguel asked.

Jacob looked at me and i shook my head no.

"Uhmm.. yeah but im not gonna tell you." Jacob replied.

"Pussy!" Brady said.

"Jeez sorry i wanna be a good friend!" Jacob replied.

We laughed and went on with the game. 'Thank you!' I mouthed to Jacob. 'No problem!' He mouthed back.

Jacob's a good friend. And Miguel's a good kisser. And all of them are basically awesome. I love them.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now