Chapter 4

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I opened tiktok and we saw the video. It was me and Miguel walking to the makeup room together with Enchanted by Taylor Swift in the background. It had already gotten around 30k likes and 100k vieuws. Dude the whole world was gonna think we were dating!! (Which i mean its not a bad thing but its not the truth.) Miguel immediately got up from his chair and left the makeup room. He walked fast and i mean REALLY fast. Like fast to the point where his hair was like kinda fanned to the back. He looked powerful. Like he was gonna hurt someone. Oh god he was gonna hurt someone.

I immediately followed after him and grabbed him by his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me. He looked angry and his fists were clenched. "Miguel what are you doing?" I asked him with an angry tone. "This is something between me and Mason." He replied. "Yeah cool to know but im in the video aswell." I said. "Ill tell you when im ready." He said. He turned around and walked to the chairs. His fists weren't clenched anymore. I watched as he dragged Mason into the guys bathroom. He'll tell me when he's ready? What will he tell me? And why isn't he ready?


I dragged Mason into the guys bathroom seeing as that was the only place Scarlett couldn't be. "What the hell dude!?" I yelled. "Im sorry but i just-" he started. "You just what? Think this isn't where the storyline ends!? Think i was enchanted to meet her!?" I said. "Well yeah pretty much- he started again. "Okay i like Scarlett and okay i told you but you can't tell her or anyone for that matter." I said firmly. "Alright sorry sorry!!" Mason said. I had him pinned to the wall by his shirt and i let go. He sunk to the floor and i say down next to him. "Sorry Mase.." i said. "Its fine, im sorry aswell." He replied. I laughed. He laughed aswell. "I like how we have moments like these but were still bestfriends." He said. "Me too." I replied. "I looked at him and he looked at me. We did our handshake and stood up. "Dont mention her and delete the video." I said. "I will." He replied.


Miguel and Mason came out of the bathroom both smiling. Don't know what happened in there and don't know if i wanna know. I immediately walked up to Miguel and asked him what happened. "Oh uhmm.. Hes gonna delete it." He replied. "Oh thank god." I said. "Yea i have to go now ill see you." He said fast before walking away. What is going on with him?

A few hours later, my set day had ended. I walked home alone because i was the only one who finished at that time and I didn't feel like staying longer. When i came home my rooms door was open. I put away my jacket and walked in there. I was greeted my Jacob sitting on my bed. Holding my diary.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I yelled at him while i snatched the dairy out of his hands. "You like Miguel?" He asked. "None of your business!" I replied. "Why were you in here!?" I asked. "I needed concealer for a zit!!" He replied. "Don't tell anyone." I said firmly. "Don't worry I won't!" He yelled. I pushed him out of my room and locked the door. I plopped down on my bed and hugged my pillow. I felt tears streaming down my face and i just let them. Ofcourse someone had to read my dairy and ofcourse it had to be the person in the cast im the least close with. If Jacob tells anyone the rest of cast could hate me.

I heard a knock on my door. "What?" I asked. "Hey im sorry.." Jacob said. "Whatever." I replied. "Can i come in?" He asked. I stood up, unlocked the door and let him in. "I won't tell anyone.." he said. "I know.." i replied. I didn't know. I don't know if i trust Jacob. I mean i trust him but u don't thrust him with this. "Im sorry.." he said. "Its fine." I said. A small smile appeared on my face and he smiled aswell. He hugged me and i hugged him back. "Ill leave you alone now." He said. "Thanks." I replied.

Jacob left and closed my door. I got a call. It was my mom. I picked up. "Hey mom!" I said. "Hey hun!" She replied. "Why'd you call me?" I asked. "Just wanted to see how you were doing." She said. "Im good!! You?" I asked. "Im good aswell." She replied. "So is there any new drama?" She asked. "Well..." i started. "Just tell me Scar." She said. "Okay so i think I might like Miguel again.. and uhh.." i said. I heard her gasp "Miguel?" She asked. "Yeah.." i said. "Wait you said and, finish." She replied. "Jacob found out." I said. "Oh god." She replied. "He hasn't told anyone!" I quickly said. "Yet!" She replied. "How'd he find out anyway?" Dean asked. "Dean?" I asked. "Hm?" He replied. "Mom has he been there the whole time?" I asked. "Yeah." She replied. "Ughhh!!" I said. "He's not gonna tell anyone." She said. "Not like the friendless weirdo has anyone to tell." I replied. "Hey now-" my mother started. "Oh we both know its true!" I said. "Oh sweetie i have to go ur dad burnt the hamburgers on the grill." She said. "Bye mom!" I said. "Bye hun love you!" She replied right before she hung up.

I opened tiktok and scrolled for about half an hour before i realized i needed to order dinner. Jacob was still the only one home so i knocked on his door to ask what he wanted to eat. "What's Miguels favorite food?" He asked. "Dude i don't know." I replied. "Then just order pizza." He said. "Alright." I said. I ordered pizzas and went to sit in the main area. A few minutes later the rest came home. "Hey Maddy!" I said. "Hey, where's my hello?" Brady said offended. "Hello man child." I replied. Maddy laughed and so did i. I noticed Miguel wasn't with them. "Hey where's Mikey?" I asked. "I don't know." Becca replied. "Pretty sure he was still in the bathroom when we left." Mason said. "And you just left him there?" I asked. "Yeah." Mason replied. What if this dude was like dead or something?

I grabbed my jacket. "Im gonna go find Mikey, pizzas gonna be here in like 15 minutes." I said. I left the suite and walked to set. It wasn't a long walk but this one felt like ages. I was really worried. I don't know why because like, hes on set and it's safe there. But why did they just leave him like that? And what if he wasn't safe?

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now