Chapter 15

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"Yes! Omg just like old times!" Maddy said.

"Uhh i guess." I said.

"Mason, go first." Brady said.

"Oh uhm.. Becca. Truth or dare?" Mason asked.

"Truth." She said.

"Uhh.. Who was ur first celebrity crush?" Mason asked.

"Jace Norman. Like Henry from Henry Danger yknow." She replied.

I burst out laughing and so did Maddy.

"Dont laugh!" Becca said. She slapped my arm.

Miguel was looking at me. And i mean like looking at me looking at me. Like he legit couldn't pull his eyes off of me. I looked at him. We had eye contact and I genuinely got lost in his eyes. He looked amazing and his eyes were beautiful in this lighting.

"Scarlett!" I heard Becca say loudly.

"Oh uh hi!" I replied.

"Jeez, in love much?" She asked.

"I uh.. i mean.." i started.

"Truth or dare." She said.

"Oh uhm. Yknow what, dare." I said.

Maddy gasped and then whispered something in Becca's ear.

"Sit on Mikeys lap for the rest of the ride." She said.

"Oh uhm.. I don't think im like comf-" i started.

"We should take pictures!" Jacob said.

"We should!" Mikey added.

I looked at Jacob and mouthed 'thank you' and he nodded and smiled.

Becca got out her phone and we started taking selfies.

I love Becca and Maddy, their my bestfriends but sometimes.. they can be a little.. over the top? I don't know what to call it.

We arrived at the venue and i saw the giant red carpet. There were so many paparazzi and interviewers and i got kinda scared. When stepping out of i paused. I stood still and realized that all these people knew who we are and they were gonna be taking pictures of us.

I felt a hand on my waist. It was Miguel.

"We'll be alright." He said.

He just quoted harry styles but I don't think he noticed.

"Yeah.. We'll be alright." I replied.

He took my hand and looked at me. He nodded. I nodded. We walked to the beginning of the carpet and we saw Mason already on the carpet. He looked at us for a split second and smiled.

He walked to a further part of the carpet and a lady pointed at me and then pointed to the carpet. She handed a sign with my name on it to a guy and he stood behind me.

I let go of Miguel's hand and walked onto the carpet. Cameras immediately started flashing and people started yelling.

"Scarlett's to your left!"
"Scarlett look to your right!"

I didn't know where to look so i just kind of went from camera to camera.

"Next!" The lady who was standing at the beginning of the carpet yelled.

I walked a little further onto the carpet, where Mason was just standing. Miguel got onto the carpet and people were taking pictures of him.

I looked at him and he looked at me. He looked proud. I smiled and he did aswell.

We once again moved places but then Miguel walked towards me.

I opened my arms to hug him and he hugged me. He put his arm on my waist and we posed. The cameras flashed in our faces and then Miguel kissed me on the cheek and walked back to the place where he was supposed to be standing.

We once again walked further onto the carpet and i turned a corner to see cameras and people holding mics. Mason, Ethan and Scott were already being interviewed.

I walked up to one interviewer who was wearing a pink dress and looked like she was kind.

"Hi Scarlett!" She said.

"Hello! I love ur dress!" I said.

"Thank you i love ur hair!" She replied.

"Okay so the movie was filmed about a year ago and the black phone was filmed around 2 years ago, were there any major differences between the filming of them?" She asked.

"Uhm well ofcourse there were some differences between filming like during filming the black phone 2 we were all much more grown and like we already knew eachother so there was much more chemistry and just yeah it was so much fun." I replied.

"Yeah i also heard that you and Miguel got back together during filming last year, how did that happen?" She asked.

"Oh! Well if im gonna be really honest i almost instantly fell for Miguel when we started spending time together again. I mean, he's so kind and protective and he's always there for me when i need him. I love him." I replied.

"Awww thats sweet!" She said.

I just smiled.

"Ok so, is there any scenes in the movie that might shock us? Like things we didn't expect to happen?" She asked.

I immediately thought of the kiss.

"Oh yeah definitely! Its like uh.. whatever you think the movie is, its not." I replied.

"Alright thank you!" She said.

"Thank you! Bye!" I said.

I did some other interviews and then i was at the end of the carpet. There were some fans so i waved at them. "Scarlett where is Dean?!" One yelled.
"Something happened and he couldn't come im so sorry!" I replied.

I heard a bunch of talking coming from the beginning of the carpet.

I looked behind me and saw my mom and dad on the carpet. I immediately lit up and waved at them. They waved back. I walked back onto the carpet but stopped because I realized that they were at the beginning of the carpet and i saw at the end. I didn't want to walk through someone else's picture.

Spencer and Reagen were standing on the carpet aswell. They both looked at me and then kinda pointed at my parents. Spencer mouthed 'go'.

I speedwalked to my parents and hugged them both.

"You're here!" I said.

"We are!" My mom replied.

We posed for some pictures and when they were walked onto the last part of the carpet i walked off of the carpet.

I walked past the interviewers, past the fans and into the cinema.

This cinema was like extra fancy.

There was a lady who led me to the place where we were gonna have dinner.

In the dining room there were 3 round tables.

1 for the cast and 2 for side carecters and others.

Some grown ups, Mason, Miguel and Maddy were already sitting at the table for the cast so i sat down next to Miguel. Yes i sat down on my assigned seat don't worry.

We waited for the others and then had dinner and went to see the movie.

It was awesome. Like it was so awesome. I loved the movie so much.

I know it won't work, Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now