Chapter 9

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I woke up on saturday morning and everyone was already in the kitchen. Even the guys, thats shocking. I got dressed, did my hair, did my makeup, etc, and walked into the kitchen. "Why in gods name are you all already awake?" I asked. "I don't know either." Becca said. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down to eat breakfast. "So what do you guys wanna do today?" Maddy asked.  "I was just gonna game." Mason said. "Boring! We want to actually do something." Becca said. "Like what?" Brady asked. "Shopping, swimming, idk." Becca said. "Ooo i wanna go swimming!" Miguel said. "Do we have a pool near here?" Maddy asked. "Dude were in a hotel." I said.

We all put ok our swimsuits and took the elevator downstairs. The pool was outside and pretty big. We all put down our stuff and Brady jumped in first. I dipped my toes in the pool and it was kinda cold. "Come in dude!" Brady said. "I don't know.." i said. Mason, Becca, Jacob, Miguel and Tristan jumped in aswell. Maddy took my hand. "On 3." She said. "1, 2, 3!" She said. We jumped in together and laughed.

Mikey and Brady got out of the water and went onto the diving platform. They both jumped in and it made a giant splash. "Dude!" Becca yelled. Brady swam to her and splashed water onto her. I laughed. "Is it funny to you?" Becca said. "Yea" i replied. She swam to me and splashed me aswell. I tried to splash Becca but then in the process of that splashed Mason and so then everyone started splashing water on eachother. "Hey! Stop that!" A lifeguard yelled. We all immediately stopped and i said "Sorry sir!" Not realizing the lifeguard was my age.

Miguel burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?" I said. He laughed even harder and i pushed him underwater. He came back out and gasped loudly. He pushed me over and i fell underwater. I came back up and laughed. Miguel laughed aswell. "Hey im gonna go get a smoothie at the bar can anyone come with me?" Maddy asked. "Uhm yeah im gonna go get a slushie." Mason said. "Ooo i want a slushie!" Tristan said. The three of them went to the bar and ordered their drinks. I was sitting in the pool, alone, in a corner and then Miguel swam up to me.

"Hey how are you?" He asked.

"Oh im good, you?" I replied.

"Im good too." He said.

I smiled at him. Becca and Brady were laughing at us from another corner of the pool and Jacob was almost drowning. "Should we just let him figure it out?" I asked while looking at Jacob. "Yeah." Miguel replied. "Wanna go get drinks aswell?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I replied.

We walked to the bar and ordered. He got a cherry slushie and i got a banana and strawberry smoothie. We sat down at the table that the rest was sitting at. It was quiet. We just drank our drinks and sat there. "Are we gonna talk about it?" Tristan asked. "What?" Miguel asked. "You guys!" Tristan said. "You are so obviously in love!" Maddy said. "We aren't!" I said. "Exactly!" Miguel added. Mason looked at Miguel. Like in a 'really?' But like a high pitched really so its like 'really?. Your not in love?" But in like a sad way which like.. This is getting confusing.

Maddy looked at me that way aswell. I slapped her arm. "Ow dude!" She said. "Pussy." I replied. The guys laughed. "Slay?" Tristan said. "What?" Mason asked. "I dunno i felt like saying it." Tristan replied. I laughed.

A few minutes later we were all finished with our drinks and we got back in the pool. We stayed there the whole day. Like i was scared i was turning into a mermaid, that's how long we stayed in the pool.

"Hey should we go eat dinner?" I asked at around 6:30. "Yeah sure." Miguel said right before getting out of the pool. I could tell he was turning into a mermaid aswell. Everyone got out of the pool and we dried ourselves. We walked into the hotel restaurant and sat down. There were alot of other people who had just cone from the pool, don't worry. We ordered and just talked.

"So anything fun happen?" Mason asked.

"We've had the exact same day, no." Becca replied.

Mason looked offended.

A few minutes later we got our food. We ate in complete silence.

"Is anyone gonna talk?" Brady asked.

"Not me." Miguel replied.

"Especially you need to talk." Mason said.

"Oh did you guys hear that like Taylor Swift and Matty Healy already broke up again?" Becca asked.

"Dude that was like 2 weeks ago, yea we heard." I replied.

"You are the only person to find that interesting." Miguel said.

"No i wanna know." Becca said.

"Well she broke up with Joe, i really miss him as Taylor's boyfriend cuz he was genuinely good for her and.." i started.

I kept talking but i just zoned out. I could talk about Taylor Swift for ages.

A/N: Don't really know what to end this chapter on but here you go 😚✌️

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